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kevin395: kevin  
Cassidy: The Hustla  
Belgariad: Belgarath  
Flam3r: Flam3r  
popperz: Cypress  
BoKnowsBest: BASEBALL  
CraZyR: minion3  
HAWK2: 2Andy  
Synapse: Auswal  
Ashentis: Pyrus  
Teher: Jini  
Ivern: Ivern  
LordThul: Boom  
Minesweeper: Four  
Lucario: Bull On Parade  
Caines Chosen: Dane  
Eye: Anub'Rekhan  
WarHawk: WarHawk  
Ripper: Saucylad  
Essence of Life: Essence  
Eyeme: Tekni  
kaboom: boom  
Hotoke: Raseoit  
[T52]Puppet Master: Molu  
Pimp: Istar-Savanity  
Recovery: Khalifa  
Charmander: Charmander  
Cloude: Gomi  
Mage-o-matic: Casper  
Mage-o-matic: Balthazar  
Mage-o-matic: Melchior  
Mercenary: [Mage]Mercenary  
Eesmurph: Mage 01  
Nonexistant: Being  
Blumkin: Drool  
MockCatFlare: FallFromHeaven  
Leood: Fervip  
Bleu: Belle-ange  
{Blender}Shade{FB}: Touchdown  
The Disciple: Two  
T32okay: Okay  
0.12m-3: Lord of Chaos  
Mansonfreeks: Tara  
Kurogane: Vais  
Fireblade: Blayze  
White Phoenix: Alastor  
Heavyhits: Rick James  
Calla: Bilthe  
Ajax: Odysseus
Rekiem: Archmage
DCSniper: LongShot
Mandos Feanturi: Mandos
Defense: Linebacker
Remi: Corelokt
Cynba: Jangausu
Nezperdian Hivemind: Hadouken Panch
Tiggah: Tiggah
Frigid: Iaboni
cuthbo: Cuthbo's Mage
Tin Litho Wind Up Toy: A Tin Litho Wind Up
Gurtharauko: Draegloth
{Blender}AK{OG}: Junk Monkey
Mirengard: Faldain
Kensai: Uriondel Flameblade
Foxths: Ultimate Fox
Roileo: Itit
SoulGuardian: Nocturne
[T54]MeteorPhoenix: Neil Armstrong
Ex-spid: Spid's familiar
PuaKa HaLiMuNaN: Langsuir