1 31 61 91
2 32 62 92
3 33 63 93
4 34 64 94
5 35 65 95
6 36 66 96
7 37 67 97
8 38 68 98
9 39 69 99
10 40 70 100
11 41 71 101
12 42 72 102
13 43 73 103
14 44 74 104
15 45 75 105
16 46 76 106
17 47 77 107
18 48 78
19 49 79
20 50 80
21 51 81
22 52 82
23 53 83
24 54 84
25 55 85
26 56 86
27 57 87
28 58 88
29 59 89
30 60 90
Ablative Shield
Narn i Chin Hurin: Nienor Niniel  
PowerToWin: Port  
Althras: Xastar  
Critical Fumble: Thane Keeper Cleric  
The Guesstimator: BooBs  
Theseus: Asclepius  
Little Man: Kid  
(T90) {The}Wasp: Lone Ranger  
1 up: -  
Supreme: HorroR  
Three Musicians: The Monk  
Keyboard: Qwertz  
Rebel Pig Farm: Ham Solo  
TAT trainer: Rodjoy  
Billys Good Doggies: Brother Seamus  
Dragoon Slayer: Dart  
Joel's team: Adam  
(T64) [T64]ornangel: This  
(T64) [T64]ornangel: Disqualify  
Quyen: Devastate  
Forgerfreek: [84x45] (+32) 1,849,943  
The Ninja Turtles: Donatello  
MockCatFlare: GodsDivineHammer  
1.32m-4: Protection  
D.U.I.: Guinness  
Rabbits: Tanaka Reina  
Score Funnel: 2  
Kynthelig: Cachamwri  
MI6: Oddjob  
King Jupiter: Pyramid Hunter  
0.8m-4: zig  
0.9m-4: Meoldkang  
Norse Might: Freyja  
Blue Tinge: Po  
Darth Revan: Darth Malak  
Lethal Bunnies: Hazel  
Engine: Theoretical  
Kombat: Cyrex  
(T78) Bacon: Baconator  
(T78) Bacon: B sans the LT  
Ringo: Tinjo  
Nora Combat Brogues: Agatha Shieldbearer  
WardCleaver: Lumpy  
Oskins: Rogmopin  
Hot Pants: the Fire  
Score Funnel: 4  
SleepingKitty: Lina  
SleepingKitty: Hotaru
New Game Plus: Dragonite Full HP
New Game Plus: Dragonite 3/4 HP
Flavor: Savor
ruthfull: HP
New Game Plus: Dragonite Critical HP
Eaia: Amber
Anima: Lorelca
Menzoberranzan: Catti-Brie
kx5: Aipir
Awesome name: Magnificant name
Critical Fumble: Ralphus Aasimar Cleric
Levon: Tim
Guneva: Visleojang
The Last Airbender: Aang
3 Monkeys: Speak No Evil
Eileifr: Vryce
Demon Awakening: Summoning Circle
Zombie Wolverine: Logan
newfreed: Ahem
HoundofHell: Buff