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Guardian Angel
The Anti-Antichrist: Altruistic Thaumaturge  
A New Bus: Kenny  
Samiel: With Teeth  
The closet: 4 Skeletons  
Rememberance: Dropbear Assassin  
Demon-ZX: DemonGA  
TourneyTick 4: TT 4  
(T94) NUB v2.0: Thing 1  
T28: Roiwal  
Joyai: enchanter  
The 4 brothers: Phillip  
Blackheart: Blackheart  
ARC Trooper: The Force  
Forgemaster: Exp  
The Black Knight: The Black Knight  
Ztath: Shard  
Revolutionary: Dispell  
Flaschenteufel: Zielscheibe  
Rufen: Rufus  
Heroddam: ski507728  
dnnxone: one  
[T51]JSCarnage: Jack  
Shifter: WereTurtle  
Chemosh: Roiox  
The Dyn: Szalos Hand of the Dyn  
MaxManx: Slice  
Battle Angel: Alita  
Detroit Red: Any  
Feuersturm: Fleisch  
Thrudgelmir: Lamia  
d e m o n: Incarnate  
Procrastination: Hate  
Steve The Pirate: The Pirate  
Trying again: Lehan  
[Koyseeker]Hatchetman: Hatchy  
I Heart Money: $$  
Pokemon GO Addict: Go  
Test Subject: Wall of Souls  
/\quaTeenHungerForce: Master Shake  
Altorma: Lynorroi  
Kunwar: Kunubsep  
Waralt: Rogox  
Superman Okay: .  
Final Boss: OGRE 1  
Whisper: Twine  
Demon Alexander: Ravens Shadow  
Sola: Luna  
Fight Frog: Fiendish Frog  
Tinred Iaeun: Pinnofer
stIckSlayer: machete
[Athens]DoS: Eyeeva
Dood Kees: Chabuck
Lord of the Pit: Typhon
Black Velvet: Cleric
Veinte Sacraria: Veinte Vibrosa
T59 Okay Dominance: Winner
The Mean Machine 00: Muttley
The Daily Show: Stephen Colbert
Big Bang Theory: Sheldon
(T82) Cheese and rice: Ojo
lmmunity: Zidane The Theif
ViperMaster: Asonox
Goldminer: Old Dwarf
Garion: Aunt Pol
Kosmodemyanskaya[S]: Ready for the Next
Zeecha: crackle
Melody Of Oblivion: Ohytin
(T83) BowToTheKing: Besran
(T87) Freek: Kennia
[Corinth]Black Star: Sythe Mode