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Guardian Angel
bangore: gangor  
(T74) Washington2: Ybobo  
Battleship: Three  
-SoulFire-: SoulFire's Curses  
The Guild: Witchdoctor Bantai  
[T32]Tank: Norhyo  
Drake Wolf: Wolfblight  
BloodHoundGangT18: DJ Q-Ball  
Defenders of Corinth: Defender  
PitFighter: Eduardo  
Lovemia: Joyeye  
Freak Brothers: Fat Freddy  
Bloodfist: -_-;;  
Night Ryder: Sinister Shadow  
Mirengard: Truthseeker  
{T28}Hatchetman: again  
Woogie Holdings: Popsicle  
Skyhawk: Eunchu  
Yeshua: Ionus  
Talo: Richard Rahl  
NineInchNails: Nine  
Clint: Spongebob  
Lorho: Ubuod  
Pollo Diablo: 1  
Sepseoox: Nedo  
Mitt: Mitten  
Zeerodsuk: Lujoy  
lvl 20 NPC commoners: Bert  
(T81) MoneyCash: lolol  
afa: Uosky  
Team-D: D-Wall1  
kevinLeong: kevinthemysterious  
The Young Ones: 2  
FantaT27: Grohl  
Keia: Power  
The Starks: Ned Stark  
[S]In Soviet Russia: Nesky  
Evernight: Colossa  
Eurynome Bartleby: Insanity  
Arturo: Wilo  
Ahriman666: capt. fodder  
Raven: Stupid Stupid  
0.142m-2: Another Dude  
Beyond the Shadow: Shadow  
House of Rahl: Darken Rahl  
Azreal: Teniamo  
Akahoshi: Akahoshi  
[T58]dj1914: 4
Neil: Phino
Rabid toes: extrEme wiMp
Thing1: Thing1
te army: Miahar
Cold Guy: angel man
La Muerte Sabrosa: Obatala
Thug Life: Payback
Eurotrash Guy: Friedrich
Wardancers: Ryzensiyre
Snoflake: Flake
Guardians of the Gate: Vengeance
Geistig: Feignant
Testical: Balrog
Tiny Lizards: Newt
0.2m-3: Bite
Skyrunner: Target 3
(T89) Xenogard II [T]: Juggernaut
AngelG7: Bunkered
Sinfath: Delravin
Kulitski: Bloodberry
Zubbus: d