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Guardian Angel
Lybuck: Hawkcha  
Tigah Tourney 49: Tigah  
emotard: haha  
Lovesukeva: Xyjke  
Notor: Bilcho  
Bala: Botia  
BloodHoundGangT20: Evil Jared Hasselhoff  
Beware the Sand: SandMan  
Dusk: Tin  
Desok: Eseteric  
Sunder: Sunder Shaman  
DD4Life: Noeunfas  
Database Error: Table  
Bacymiko: Yanesdes  
Kenjo: Qufas  
Bullvrague: Caster  
One Gun: Tekdam Kangnef  
Magic of Aargh: Necromancer  
Diogenes: Socrates  
Verulias Finest: Kahn, Fallen Illusionist  
Redno: Jojen  
Jetsets: Jet-mage  
SoloQ: Damroi Wubes  
The Makers: Dagi  
XDarkShadeX: Kunwar  
Synn: Eunes  
dukem: Tinsepbo  
Xodrok: Gander  
[T4]Hatchetman: The Axeman  
DukeAgares: Tyronius  
Gc Farcast: Farcast Noob  
Bigfoot: Fidmo  
Elrohire: Wartek  
{-MX6-}: X  
{CB1}Slayer333: The id  
tourneyEmu: Touney Medic  
EC Farm: Terharma  
BooKoo: Biz  
Mass Driver: Oaftstar  
Lorvic: Desdo Ubu  
Dwarf: Fairy  
Pryotic: Pryotic  
Blut Bot: Kepia  
Kunroi: Tinter  
Brendan Hurlbert: Theothodos  
slacker: voodoo  
Buttons: Choiki  
Wizards of Dos: Mr Sponge  
allboutme: Spell-Caster
ScoopyDoo: Starnor
Battledog: Colt45
[OD]Overdose: Overdose
[D]T2-Neji: Byaakugan
Nilrem: Pinod
Redazure: Void
Damwoa: DJ RoWbird
Darryl Strawberry: Darryl Strawberry
Bloodfire: Iahawk
Sneve: Sapp
Telemoto: Mister Expendable
Tinjes: Conga
Zephell Takius: Margaletha Sorrin
TrioOfTiny: HeadOfTiny
[T-3][De]The/Killers: EC
[TEST]123: Ovaro
Faithangel: Fayth Protector
Shubhrajit: Srini
The Incredible Hulk: World War Hulk
Devil Of Death: Devil 's AF
SoloJoe: Big Kahuna