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Antimagic Field
The Guesstimator: BooBs  
(T92) Mallet: Maul  
Fish Tanks: Catfish  
Bawl: Elhar  
Zyten: Kane  
It's Always Sunny: Dennis  
Hannibal Barca: Dark Fury  
Tal: Uriel  
Fem Fatales: Heaven  
Ranfas: Bocyn  
(T85) Kensai: Soul Ward  
Bridgeburner: Whiskeyjack  
Celes: Skywar  
Children of Hurin: Nienor Niniel  
(T71) [ Xenogard ]: Shadow  
Kyouraku Shunsui: Unohana Retsu  
Tumblewamba: Ring Mistresses  
Zettai Reido: Carbuncle  
Team of Death: Angel of Death  
Hannibal Barca: Django  
(T74) RedWings: Tolove  
Choongnam Psycho: and  
Roaring Fang: Souji  
Phoenix: Oreo  
wotan2: kiruja  
The Triad: Al Capone  
The Shark Tank: Evgeni Nabokov  
Exkang: Amipire  
Lovefer: blackshadowshade  
Sinister Shock: Ezee  
Prometheus and Bob: Prometheus  
Madison: Scanner Dan  
Beertroopers: Evil Turner  
Demon Dog: Bubba the goldfish  
HatchetPrize: GOLDEN  
Rizzen: Alinarra  
TheFray: Mamiama  
Will Thatcher: Joselyn the Enchantress  
Remipoof: Remi  
Randall Flagg: POWER POTION  
League of Legends: Karthus  
Stewey: Dizzy  
Regular Show: Rigby  
Moirae: Atropos  
Iluvatar: Ungoliant 'Gloomweaver'  
John Paul: Paul  
Evafer: Lucyn  
Tylan: Cynba  
Son of Hephaestus: Forge of Hephaestus
Shadow n Interceptor: Interceptor
American Hero: Fire Fighter Norm
Miryam: Rocky
BurnYourSoul: Ignition
Lost: Shield
(T88) Atomic: timebomb
[T-48] Bob-1000: Bob-888
Ka: 'Ake!
Vlad Tepes: Regis
Vehicle Test: Superior Voice Command
Trumpty Dumpty: Geritlu
Juked II: Two
Aragorn: Arathorn
Sienna: Rydstrom
Bring it on home: Marshall
The Peanut: MagiciaNut
(T74) Habs: Unhew
Yuki Onna: A Solitary Girl
(T88) Sprawl: Ranhar
Black Lotus: Opium
The Funkes: Lindsay