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Antimagic Field
Oskins: Vicmo  
Oskins: Beskege  
Joel's team: Joel  
Joel's team: Jordan  
1.54m-2: Dr. Shavargo  
Epsilon Squadron: Roger "Romeo" Ellison  
BlueWater: WhiteWater  
Coffee Storm: Balance  
Desger: Redoni Joyex  
Thunderbolt: Khaled  
Tylan: Stryker  
Kynthelig: Henbeddestr  
Gomattou: Matsuura Aya  
Mortikai: Mortikai's AMF  
(T64) hg1001: Ialove  
Bjarne: Håndværker  
Tribute to Fascyn: R.I.P. Fascyn  
EdeNDarK: Iyrian  
Viper of Frost: Tekbescyn  
(T92) Beast: Ersjo  
failed: Thrall  
(T64) Xenogard: Wobbuffet  
Guy de Loimbard: King Arthur  
Tekbeshawk: Rincewind  
Imacrackers: Peter  
Althavar: Un  
(T88) TESTER11: Bajoy  
try agian: 3  
DEF. DIVA: Matsuura Aya  
Frank Zappa MoI: Frank Zappa  
The Vampyre Lord: Night  
The9th: Thief  
Great Furies: Windmane  
Roadhouse: The Town of Chicago  
The Black Company: Goblin  
Babypoof: Poof  
MadLife: Waret  
Command of Lost Souls: Tear Of Hate  
(T94) NUB v2.0: Thing 1  
Ruepel Modrich: Modeath  
Dragons: Gold Dragon  
0.35m-1: Violet Bier of Sorrows  
Charlie Day: Sweet Dee  
Briggs: Brick  
Training Day: Moss  
[T35] Sickone: Firepower  
Tertiary Apiary: Buzzy  
AhDat: Kobuck
OneLastTry: Bert
Flamin NCB: The DaRk
The End Of The Line: Apathy
wacko: greasemonkey
Miamoto Musashi: Takeda Shingen
[TEST]novice[T59]: Loser
Boco and Mog: Godhand
KotDT: Brian
Hazzard II: Really........huh
Flatcap: Innocent Bystandard
Hopey Changey: Need some change
(T87) Tourneydumb: Kain
Saints: Sean Dempster
Zubbus: a
The True Italian: Toni Vorelli
(T100) Own Strat: Here
[Sparta]Leonidas: Leonidas
drudge wins: Merlin the Wizard
Megatron: Suh
Freed: Smelly
(T64) [T64]ornangel: Character