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T-16 CW[CR]: Code Red  
Tiberium Prophet: Enigma  
Kerrick: Hiram  
Repairman Jack: Repairman Jack  
Me Likey Tourney +18: BouncyBouncyBouncy +4  
PaulyBaby: Missed Again  
Ahriman666: Oscar  
Kingpin: Dr. Otto Octavious  
(T65) Absolutepawn: Hanmo  
Hiveswarm: Hiveswarm  
TempestDragon: Zeak  
[Corinth]BHT: Knight  
The Black Heart: Evil Activities  
gizzard: the bearded lady  
Azurik: Azurik Archer  
(T80) GodOfWar: General Patton  
Kidesjang: Kangoniwal  
Creature: Creature  
Munchy: Cheetoe  
mystic: Bani  
Joyhew: Iaftchu  
New Freed: Pointy Freed  
[T46]RosexFury: FuryxSniper  
Deaddrunk: Teeko  
(T86) Test Test Elb: Leoed  
(T87) WhyNot: Pestilence  
Faschura: Rayik  
Ultimate Domination: Duck  
Ultimate Domination: Gilbert  
The Sith: Darth Vader  
Mr. Ai: Shinobi  
Final Boss: Walshy  
501th Division: Rex  
Baag: Kely Chucho  
Defenders of Corinth: Durotar  
Defenders of Corinth: Lookout  
Dwarf: Fairy  
Mortifer: Guardian Jae  
Dwarf: Gnome  
Vislove: Chou  
WildBlade: kevin  
Lao Tzu: Strongbow  
Bad Wolf: Rose  
GoldenArmy: Archery Tester  
Chemosh: Rodrog  
Syrinx: Arowy  
For Novy: Noob  
For Novy: Amateur
Sunnojes: Rupirub
Oldwar: Vash
SSEToxic: Joyko
[Corinth]LetMeWin: Arcites
SSJFusion: SSJWarr
Cruz: Cruz
o no another toerney: minion nr 1
{Blender}Titan{CNTR}: Ovavis
Dwarf: Pixie
stoner14: stoner14
Matlock: My Little Minion
[Thebes]Vaynard: Hoplite Archer Squad
Rordon Gamsey: The Sauce
Smashure5: Leoken
Fifth BluBB: Archer
Algore: Smirdeth
For Novy: Greenhorn
Rodken Bo: Big Bad Bruto
Rabid toes: extrEme wiMp
Tenchi: Tenchi
DarkQueen: Sabin