$$Contest Draw, You Can Win BIG!!$$ (in Contests)

{CB1}Lukeyman January 3 2005 4:07 PM EST

Hello, This Contest will be for all the money that is entered!!!

To Enter the Contest, you will borrow my Tattoo of Jigorokano Lvl 1,220, and pay 500 CB2D, and every 100 lvls that someone gets it up, they will be entered to win all the money and donations + a Prize.

So each 100 lvl's you get it up, thats 1 more chace to win, you can borrow it for 1 hour times only, and 2 hours a day, and your time starts over again the next day.

Get It? any questions? Post here to borrow it, or when you will want to.

renegade January 6 2005 12:44 PM EST

you want us to pay you 500$$$ to level up your tat?

Chargerz-Back January 6 2005 12:56 PM EST

its kinda like a raffle, each 100 levels you add, you get 1 ticket.

{CB1}Lukeyman January 8 2005 7:46 AM EST

ya but, lol, this contest is over cause 1. no ones doing it, and 2. my Tat is being sold!

[pwnage]Exotion [[pWnage]] January 8 2005 10:01 PM EST

sure .... right lame contest make it like for every 100 lvls you get 1000$ or something =P
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