Any First Person Shooter Fanatics Out There? (in Off-topic)

{cb1}dyno January 5 2005 5:21 AM EST

I've only been in the CB community a few months, and have met many people who I get along with very well =) I was curious if any of you have the same interest in first person shooters like myself! I play Quake 3, Return To Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory (Free game! ask if interested in playing it), Half Life 2 Deathmatch and Counterstrike:Source online. If anyone here likes those games, perhaps we could have a CB first person shooter night where a bunch of CB'rs play together. Looking forward to responses.

Becoming January 5 2005 5:33 AM EST

You know I do! :) Although I rarely play any these days...

Ascent January 5 2005 6:01 AM EST

I know a lot of people play Call of Duty (there was a thread about it a while ago).... Call of Duty is great... single and multiplayer... but with the expansion pack (United Offensive) it becomes *REALLY* super, especially multiplayer. It has vehicles, etc.... it's what BF1942 should've been...

That said... I play COD:UO, a little UT2004, and that's about it these days. (as far as FPS' go, anyway)

Todd January 5 2005 6:04 AM EST

I play:

Halo for PC
Medal of Honor
Return to Castle Wolfenstein

{cb1}dyno January 5 2005 9:33 AM EST

I used to play A LOT of CoD back in the day. I liked the single player much more than multiplayer though, was an amazing re-interpretation of how loud and overwhleming war can be with the noise. Hey Todd, have you tried Enemy Territory, or do you just play RTCW? If you haven't played ET recently, u should give it a shot :) they really made some nice clean-ups with the ET Pro mod.

Cmon now, I know there's more FPS players out there! :)

Ascent January 5 2005 12:44 PM EST

I used to play a *lot* of RTCW online.... (hated the single palyer) never tried ET, though I know it's free.... it came out right around my "game hiatus" where I took some time off from games...

Can you play all the RTCW multiplayer maps on ET? I know it's a mod and there's a fair bit of changes... but are all the maps new, or are some old?

dnnx January 5 2005 12:47 PM EST

medal of honor : allied assault is the only other game I play

Hapster January 5 2005 1:17 PM EST

Halo 2, now that school is on break we probably play 4 hours a day minimum. Of course I go back sunday so then it will go down to maybe a hour a week for me.

Chargerz-Back January 5 2005 1:53 PM EST

I still play CS, since im too cheap to buy HL2 to get Source.

Halo2 is more addicting than CS right now.

{cb1}dyno January 5 2005 6:00 PM EST

Ascent, although ET came with their own unique maps, people have been taking maps from RTCW and converting them. Ice/MarketGarden/Beach are the 3 that stick out in my mind =) you just have to find the right servers.
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