little bug (in General)

Salketer [big bucks] January 7 2005 1:46 PM EST

Not a big deal at all... Just maybe a little annoying. I'm reporting it since it's a bug =P

In item meta-stats, when you put your cursor on an item name, the status bar changes to the description of the item, and that description disapears when you take out the cursor from it. However, if you click the link, the status will remain to the item description until you get back and trigger the event again.

bartjan January 7 2005 2:10 PM EST

File that bug report to whomever made your web browser.... it works fine in the Mozilla based browser (Galeon) I use.

Salketer [big bucks] January 7 2005 7:59 PM EST

not in internet explorer... which is still the most used browser

The Tyrantly Tamale January 7 2005 8:15 PM EST

Though I have seen alot of things in HTML that could be done <i>better</i> on this site, this one stays on the window literally until either it is closed or the event redone, and if you just add this little snidbit of code to every single link it wouldn't happen ;)


[GR8]{KREEFT}The Chemist January 7 2005 8:45 PM EST

there is something in FAQs about browser issues.

Web Browser/Technology Issues

Hope to have helped you.

Salketer [big bucks] January 7 2005 10:10 PM EST

chemist it doesn't have much to do with the "bug"...

and yes TTT that's how it would be done, there or in the page where the stats are shown.

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