Why target low score? (in General)

Bubo [DTC of Bubo] January 13 2005 8:00 PM EST

This is not a whine, I'm just honestly confused. I've noticed that there are periods of time when people who are 2 - 3 times my power rating and often more than double my score are spending BA to defeat me. What I would like to know is why they would do this. I have not attacked them to gain their attention, and my understanding is that they would get much lower exp/money from me than from attacking someone closer to their score. Am I missing some reason that makes lower scored characters attractive targets?

Max January 13 2005 8:16 PM EST

Some of us are lazy and don't update our fightlists. Some, just don't care. Another reason may be that there is a vast conspiracy against you. :) Seriously, probably the first reason I gave. No biggie.

That reminds me to update mine. Thanks.
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