Wasp / Vaynard agreement (in Public Record)

Vaynard [Fees Dirt Cheap] January 19 2005 4:33 PM EST

I'm giving 430k to Wasp in order that he may place a bid in auctions for me (on the MCM currently at 425k with under an hour left). If it goes higher either I'm out or I'll owe the difference as well as 10k to Wasp for his trouble. If we lose the auction I get cash back and he keeps 10k. He'll go up to 500k and I'll pay any needed loan within 3 days and 10% daily interest after that.

Does all that sound correct? Post to confirm please and I'll send my cash. And thanks a ton.

Wasp January 19 2005 4:34 PM EST

Sonuds cool : )

Vaynard [Fees Dirt Cheap] January 19 2005 4:37 PM EST

429k cash is sent and the auction bid is placed. Thankks again.
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