Newbie questions about healing and archery. (in General)

Harik January 21 2005 3:08 PM EST

I've tried figuring this out myself, but I just don't get it.

Healing. In CB1, almost everything you did had "heal, then home" on it, meaning whenever I finished I left my minions healed. In CB2, you have to specifically go back to the main screen and heal. Do I need to? Or are your minions considered fully healed for defending purposes?

Archery: How high do you have to get it before it quits being 1.0? (And that works out to be a damage multiplier?) I mainly use it for the extra attacks right now.

Frequent Retarded Suggestion: If it doesn't already work that way, training minimal archery shouldn't give you all the extra attacks. Some function of trained dex/archery ratio. Otherwise it's just a freebie for tank archers with a stupid high dex.

Bubo [DTC of Bubo] January 21 2005 3:18 PM EST

I was just as confused on the archery issue. Allow me to explain:

Archery does two things. It gives a bonus to damage dealt by bows, and it gives a percentage chance of allowing you to fire during the second round of ranged (bows normally only fire in the first and third round).

That (1.00) is the percent chance of archery activating. At 1.00, it's always active. So it will never go above 1.00. The point when it changes is when archery is 25% of STR. If archery is less than 25% of STR, then that 1.00 starts to go down.

Harik January 21 2005 3:29 PM EST

ok, I thought I remembered it at 1.2 on CB1, but I'm just remembering wrong. Thanks! That let me re-allocate a ton of experience.

My suggestion WAS retarded, then. (I guessed it was) I just initially invested more then 25% str in archery so it hit every time.
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