Did I do wrong with my post? (in Off-topic)

AngryZac February 2 2005 9:47 AM EST

I received an email from the company that I posted my referral link to today as a warning that there was a complaint received about my spaming a site. Now I know no one was willing to do the offer, so obviously it was pointless to post in the first place, but did I actually do something wrong? I received no complaints from any mentors/moderators, and no private complaints through chatmail from anyone. So the question is was I actually spamming? On a side note if this actually does stop me from getting my reward I'll be pretty mad, because they could have brought the issue to me instead of complaining to a company, I would have gladly had the post deleted/closed had I known I was out of line.

Chargerz-Back February 2 2005 10:23 AM EST

i wouldn't think so

Max February 2 2005 10:56 AM EST

You were within the guidelines of our forums. There was no spam. (I never followed your link or investigated it.) I locked the thread though to help you out.

Max February 2 2005 10:58 AM EST

Based on a chatmail with further information I will delete the post and make note of my reasons. I'll send up my thoughts to Saint and Bartjan.
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