good poker site? (in Off-topic)

Mythicpunk [Mythic Punks] February 9 2005 10:35 PM EST

Anyone know any good poker sites?

I'm looking for sites with lots of real-money freerolls (if even very low-money)... got a lot of free time while i'm job hunting (and little money)

Chargerz-Back February 9 2005 11:06 PM EST

my friends dad plays on there. you can play for free or for cash.

[LB]Iceman February 10 2005 1:43 AM EST

Yeah, partypoker is very good. You have to download a client to play, but it's safe and secure. Easy to use. Good option for free or for actualy $$$ as Bush said.

Mythicpunk [Mythic Punks] February 10 2005 11:07 AM EST

hehe, i've spent lots of time previously playing poker online.... PartyPoker is by far the worst site i've ever played at.

drudge February 10 2005 3:25 PM EST

partypoker is exploitable as well. I know a few friends in town that made bots to play for them all day/night

Mastodont February 10 2005 8:30 PM EST

nice place.. no client needed.
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