Real names of items ? (in General)

Mistress Reyna March 5 2005 1:19 AM EST

Hi Mr. Jonathan
im just curious... where exactly did the names of the item come from? im curious about influence?
such as the ToJ, or the Blacksword, or tulka im curious

SBW March 5 2005 1:43 AM EST

tulkas came from the silmarillion. Tulkas was one of the legendary heroes from a collection of JRR Tolkien's unpublished stories which were published by christopher tolkien. Nan Elmoth is a forest on the borders of Arda, also related to the lord of the rings

KingMeng March 5 2005 1:49 AM EST

Most of the names are from Middle-Earth characters... Nan Elmoth was the forest in Beleriand east of Doriath and south of the River Celon. Thuringwethil (Woman of Secret Shadow) is a Maia vampire messenger of Sauron. Tulkas' name is a reference to his golden beard. He is also called Astaldo, which means steadfast. Beleg's name meant 'might', and he wielded a strong bow named Belthronding and an arrow called Dailir. In Norse mythology, Durin was the first of the Seven Fathers of the Dwarves. It also appears in the book. Only name that is not from that source is Jigorokano...but there was a guy called Dr. Jigoro Kano, who was the founder of Judo. Hope most of it are correct. I had to delete some stuff, as it clashes with the spell-checker. Anyway, if you want to know more about them, just search for them on the Internet, or read the book. So if you want to create a new weapon, you know where to find the source to help Jon. :)

KingMeng March 5 2005 1:51 AM EST

Erm...let me try that again with better paragraphing.

Nan Elmoth was the forest in Beleriand east of Doriath and south of the River Celon.

Thuringwethil (Woman of Secret Shadow) is a Maia vampire messenger of Sauron.

Tulkas' name is a reference to his golden beard. He is also called Astaldo, which means steadfast.

Beleg's name meant 'might', and he wielded a strong bow named Belthronding and an arrow called Dailir.

In Norse mythology, Durin was the first of the Seven Fathers of the Dwarves. It also appears in the book.

Only name that is not from that source is Jigorokano...but there was a guy called Dr. Jigoro Kano, who was the founder of Judo.

Chargerz-Back March 5 2005 2:39 AM EST

hmmm.... no wonder the first named item in cb2 was a ToJ. named Aura of Dr. Kano

Chargerz-Back March 5 2005 2:39 AM EST

make that Mr. Kano

Majestik Moose March 5 2005 4:40 AM EST

Judo-ToJ...That explains both the toughness, and incapability of doing serious damage.
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