Favoritify (in General)

Tribute March 21 2005 1:34 PM EST

Never noticed this feature. What does it do?

Found when I switched to a different character.

CT [Monopoly] March 21 2005 1:35 PM EST

Adds the char to your favorites list.

AgentAia March 21 2005 1:45 PM EST

I don't see it, (yes I'm a supporter). Where to?

Zoglog[T] [big bucks] March 21 2005 1:45 PM EST

Enlighten me as to where Favoritify actually is because to my knowledge there is no such thing.

(CB1)logan666 [Jago] March 21 2005 1:47 PM EST

You can find it when fighting standard opponents.

Zoglog[T] [big bucks] March 21 2005 1:50 PM EST

No that would be Favorites not Favoritify and Tribute all it is, is that you can switch to a favorites list and add people you want to fight instead of going through standard opponents.

(CB1)logan666 [Jago] March 21 2005 1:53 PM EST

When fighting standard opponents there is now an option besides Fight and Inspect to Favoritify. Look again and you'll see it.

Sukotto [lookingglas] March 21 2005 2:09 PM EST

Jon, thank you!
I'm *very* happy to see this little tweak.

Bubo [DTC of Bubo] March 21 2005 2:10 PM EST

Zoglog, it's a new feature. It adds opponents to your favorite list from the left frame instead of having to inspect then add.

Maelstrom March 21 2005 2:24 PM EST

This morning, it was called "Add to favorites", but I guess Jon decided it was too long a name.

Thanks for the convenient link, Jon!

Tribute March 21 2005 3:48 PM EST

Thanks for your help. I wasn't willing to test my myself while under the scrutiny of an individual of great, great importance. ;)

Reebok March 21 2005 5:09 PM EST

I was gonna suggest this a while ago but I thought it fell under the "additions for lazy people" catagory. Jon, us lazy people thank you!

Manta March 21 2005 5:24 PM EST

Indeed: I add my thanks to those of with Iron Leg.

[From CB1]Tequito March 21 2005 5:26 PM EST

I like the work favoritify... it's great... it's like something I'd use. :D
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