Who has the oddest history graph? (in General)

Wahooka March 30 2005 1:58 AM EST

I vote Wahooka to be in the top 20.

Reebok March 30 2005 2:01 AM EST

That's pretty good, but I think you lose for voting for yourself.

I finally see March 30 2005 2:02 AM EST

AzNxDrEaDfUl gets my vote. Looks like a skyline...

[SoV] Shiv [/me Forge Stuff :D] March 30 2005 6:29 PM EST

lol it does look like a skyline!

i second AzNxDrEaDfUl as well :P

BooDiggens March 30 2005 6:39 PM EST

Here's my entry. But AzNxDrEaDfUl's graph is pretty neat looking.

Mem March 30 2005 7:41 PM EST

a20sidedninja's character lukey's graph for the past 30 days looks a city skyline. Doesn't beat out the aforementioned graphs though...

slurpz March 30 2005 10:16 PM EST

Koala gets my vote :P

all that un-training and retraining has to get some notice :D

Chargerz-Back March 30 2005 10:49 PM EST

*cough* FreezerBurn *cough*

I finally see March 30 2005 11:37 PM EST

Ah crap, freezerburns looks even more like a cityscape, it's actually quite cool looking...
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