Multiple Minion--Train AS or GS? (in General)

Barron [CB2BANK Investors Club] April 8 2005 11:55 AM EDT

This is my concern. With a multiple minion team AS gets a stiff penalty, but GS doesn't. Right now I'm training Strength and an enchantment on the first 2 minions, and HP and Strength on minions 3 and 4. So my question is, wouldn't it be better to train GS instead of AS, and then train HP and enchantment on minions 1 and 2, and HP only on minions 3 and 4? On 4 I would increase VA as needed. Thanks for any input.

Nightmare [NewNightmares] April 8 2005 12:05 PM EDT

I'm assuming you are talking about Don Kixothe.. hmm. Not a bad idea, but don't forget that even with the ToA, haste, and GS you still might need to pop some xp into STR/DEX every once in awhile.. other than that, sounds like a good plan :)

Barron [CB2BANK Investors Club] April 8 2005 12:32 PM EDT

Well, it is done. I'm glad I made the change early so as not to waste too much experience. Also, I feel better about not relying on a DM susceptible AS enchantment for hit points on this 4T team. Thanks for your input.

Starseed^Lure April 8 2005 5:52 PM EDT

Barron, your strat has become so complex now it makes me giggle. Cheers, though, for developing it. I hope you do well ;D

QBRanger April 8 2005 6:06 PM EDT

Every so often I read a post about someone worring about DM. Well at low PR its a prevelent spell but as PR's get higher noone uses it. Why? Decay and superlarge FB/CoC. Without AMF those spells will eat you alive. For instance, if I did not have AMF, a base decay would be a nightmare for me. Also I have experimented not using AMF (by equipping a mgs on Death) and got eaten up by TOE mages. There is only 1 DM character in the top ranks. My advice is to build without worring about DM and fight those you can beat for now since later you'll almost never find a high PR character with it. Unless of course Jon changes DM to have a bit of AMF in it. Until then, IMO, its not that useful a spell after a certain level.

Barron [CB2BANK Investors Club] April 8 2005 6:19 PM EDT

Thanks Starseed, it's been very fun to develop this :)

Ranger, I totally agree with your point about DM. But at a relatively low pr of 170ish DM is still a factor occasionally. I'd rather my Haste and GS fizzle now because that never makes a difference. The HPs I add though are permanent. With AS trained it added about 1400 HP, while the same experience now adds 3500 strength. The AS penalty stinks. I simply train 1/2 HP and 1/2 enchantment on my first 2 minions. For now, I'm training all HP on #3 and for #4 it'll probably be 1/2 HP, and the rest to dex and strength, after I get BL where I want it.

As I pump up my AC on all 4 minions, my bet is that at a pr of >500, the first 2 tanks equipped with seekers may allow me to do away with AMF and put all that back into whatever my main tank is deficient at--I suspect dex. Well that's my plan anyway.
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