Multi: dannyboy775, dannyboy, dannyboy776 (in Public Record)

bartjan May 3 2005 1:59 AM EDT

From the same IP. dannyboy and dannyboy 776 are banned.

Xiaz on Hiatus May 3 2005 4:53 AM EDT

A n00b multi it seems. I mean could he make his account names any more obvious...

bartjan May 3 2005 5:06 AM EDT

That's why I didn't fine the main account, and did send him a chatmail that it's not allowed to have multiple accounts...

sasquatchan May 3 2005 10:02 AM EDT

the pipes, the pipes are calling....

Bubo [DTC of Bubo] May 3 2005 10:34 AM EDT

from glen to glen, and down the mountainside
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