Bleh, Boredom = Suggestions (in General)

Devil Burrito May 11 2005 6:24 PM EDT

Here is a list of game 'tweaks' or changed I like to see :) I don't expect them to happen, just bored. This is spawned from my inability to get online for about an hour and my obsession with CB :D.

1) A way to remove and item from rentals early, for a fee of course. Maybe the fee would be

based on the number of days left. Who knows? I don't.

2) Perhaps one more active char for both supporters and non-supporters. Sometimes I like to have characters set up for contests or a 'bank' character. Just to keep stuff organized or whatever. Or maybe I want to try something else on a farm but don't want to ruin one. Not to mention non-supporters can only have two characters, which dosen't affect me but bleh.

3) Perhaps a new tutorial? I hear a few new players talking about how the game forces them to hire another minion or something. Someone also said they got stuck in the tutorial for a long time ( can't remember the name).

4) New supporter item. I don't think the Mage Shield is very good for new players entering the game and getting supportership. I mean, now that is dosen't give AC, its not really that useful to new people. Lets look at the ToJ, it was very interchangable kind of item. Could be put in with any strat and help. Now lets look at the mage shield... It can't be used with a tatoo, It can't be used with enchantments, it can't be used with Direct Damage. Its not very flexible.

5) Clan Motto/Portrait. Give clan some personality! :D

Well, thats all for now.

/me runs off to spend his newly accumulated BA

Devil Burrito May 11 2005 6:51 PM EDT

6) Increased ammo cap. Now with ToA helping with triple shots... its nice to stock up :) I lose quite a bit of arrows over night and at school. Crappy reason but still

LumpBot May 11 2005 8:58 PM EDT

The ammo cap I'd have to disagree with. It seems fine to me, and any more higher certain campers would just have mass stock piles of seekers/slayers

Chargerz-Back May 11 2005 9:01 PM EDT

i agree with #4 *cough*
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