18 not 42 (in General)

Will [Retired] May 18 2005 5:48 PM EDT

Just worked out that the amount of allowable networth on your weapons is 18 times your MPR. Don't know if anyone else had bothered so I thought id post.
This is going on the amount of trained exp times 2/3...

If Im wrong please correct me. Precisely its about 18.03blahbalhblah. (The reciprocal of 0.0555)

[-war-] May 18 2005 5:51 PM EDT

Darn, I thought this post would be a rant about your age.

Will [Retired] May 18 2005 5:52 PM EDT

lol in that case its 21 not 16 (even if I give out that impression) :P

Vagabond May 18 2005 6:12 PM EDT

haha, I thought you'd found a new answer to life, the universe, and everything.

This will do though, thanks.

Chargerz-Back May 18 2005 6:26 PM EDT

i thought it was based on the minion that the weapons were on... this would only apply for single mininons, right?

Vagabond May 18 2005 6:36 PM EDT

Its based on the character (all minions).

Jon says...
Basically, everything will count towards PR, except for a weapon "allowance." Since tanks need NW + ST combined to keep dmg growth up, weapon NW up to a point (about 2/3 of all the XP your [character] has trained, since that's easier to calculate inside a trigger than what ST would turn out to be after all the bonuses are added in) doesn't count towards your PR. NW above that cap is counted normally

Mags May 18 2005 6:47 PM EDT

So... on an EMT team, the T can have a weapon as large as a single T with the same overall MPR could? Seems to make mixed teams more effective(and they do seem to be doing quite well these days.)

As an aside, uh, anyone wanna forge an Exbow cheap? ;D

Will [Retired] May 19 2005 3:57 PM EDT

LOL It probably is more like 42...

I tried chucking a load more nw on my char today, it didn't register any extra PR till had got it over 5 mil:

~networth 5.2 mil
~MPR 130k

5,200,000 / 130,000 ~= 40 (around that anyway, it could be slightly more or less)

HAHA so the answer is 40 after all!?!

bartjan May 20 2005 3:35 AM EDT

For me the answer is 20.5665 ;)
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