Frodbot items (in General)

Frod June 4 2005 8:16 PM EDT

I'm looking for more "whatis" CB terms that Frodbot should know about. I've been trolling New Players for a while and picked up a few, but I want to get some more coverage.

I'm mostly interested in things like "kick", "insta", etc., that we take for granted, but a newbie might be confused about.

"Add me!" requests will be cheerfully ignored.

wldflr June 4 2005 8:18 PM EDT

ops and admins would be good to add :)

Jason Bourne June 4 2005 8:35 PM EDT

minutes until next crazy time would be neat...

list of online ops...

their mentors name

list of the top 5 wep classes in the game (so they dont get ripped off/ know what to save for)

all of the abbreviations...i find a lot of people dont know what:

AS, HOD, CML AS, ect... means. Especially since there are two EC's in the game... maybe some of these would be helpful. just make them all a list like when you type /help in chat. have frodbot answer to "whatis abbreviation" and then list them all.

smallpau1 - Go Blues [Lower My Fees] June 4 2005 8:45 PM EDT

As far as i can see all item abbreviations are there, not spell abbr.'s tho.

But yea, like on cb1 where theres a link to a post that says when whacky times are, (during whacky times, fighting) On Tuesdays and Saturdays, and the times, are good enough i think.

EX. -

Tuesdays 6a.m. - 12 p.m. - - - - Experience Time
6p.m. - 12a.m. - - - - Money Time

Saturday 12a.m. - 6a.m. - - - - Money time
12p.m. - 6p.m. - - - - Experience Time

[Banned]Monty June 4 2005 9:16 PM EDT

Here You Go =)

AdminShade June 5 2005 11:05 AM EDT

Monty i think you mean: this link instead
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