After talking to bartjan and Shade, I think I might have found a bug.
I unequip a BoTh and swap seeker arrows for normal arrows on minion Reegor on character Bubo. I then transfer the BoTh to character Smith. I forge on the BoTh (attempting to keep it under five minutes, but I'm refering to the few times it goes over 5 minutes) and then transfer the BoTh back to Bubo. I then re-equip the BoTh and swap the seekers back in to Reegor.
While I try to keep these transfers to under 5 minutes, there have been a couple of times that I go over 5 minutes. Usually these periods are still under 10 minutes. Despite going over 5 minutes, I still am able to re-equip these items to Reegor. Furthermore, today I forgot the Seekers when I re-equipped the BoTh. I did not catch it until about an hour later, and was able to re-equip the Seeker Arrows with no problems.
I think that cooldown time is only for one character. But I'm not sure about this, maybe transfer make it different.
June 6 2005 4:48 PM EDT
I've never received any kind of cooldown message and have always been allowed to unequip and re-equip my gear, even when I was violating the five minute rule. Has anyone out there been prevented from re-equpping?
June 6 2005 5:05 PM EDT
Well the arrows (and all other ammo) are easy to explain if you use even one arrow then cb assigns the item a new number there for it is treated as a new item (same is true if you merge)
Now as far as the Bth goes i don't know what to tell you. I know that Sunday evening I loaned out my DB for 6hours to be forged and had no problem re-equiping them when they cam e back (and it was still inside the 8hr time frame) Other than the DB i have always stayed under the 5 min span to re-equip.
The seeker arrows were unequipped and sat in the character Bubo's inventory during the entire period. They were not used, nor were they merged with any other arrows.
June 6 2005 5:18 PM EDT
Never receive any cooldown restrictions whether it's over 5 min or before 8 hrs.
June 6 2005 5:22 PM EDT
just to be sure, I just tested with steel-shod boots in one of Morbo's minions. about 14 minutes unequipped, re-equpped no problem.
Although maybe we should all just keep our mouths shut.....
June 6 2005 10:26 PM EDT
Hehe, Jon probably found it was too much of a load on the server (or just too difficult) to implement the timer for every item, so he simply TOLD us that there was a 5 minute limit. Worked pretty good too: it's taken us this long to figure out!
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