Need Help to unretire char (in Public Record)
June 10 2005 2:14 AM EDT
I have a charachter retired that i didnt retire and cant figure out how to unretire him to at least get my items that is currently equipped on him.
wait 4 days and then u can unretire the char
June 10 2005 3:26 AM EDT
I can patiently wait 4 days but i do not know when it was retired and it may be past my nine day grace period for unretiring a char.
June 10 2005 4:54 AM EDT
His last battles were on June 9, so suppose after then.
AdminG Beee
June 10 2005 5:04 AM EDT
Yes you did retire him.
You can either wait the four days or pay an administration fee for having him unretired by an admin.
Chatmail me if you want further help.
June 10 2005 5:13 AM EDT
i have a character retired as well, and i never retired him. i dont need him unretired now, i'll do it later. but just letting someone know that he isnt the only one to have a character retired without him doing it himself.
June 10 2005 5:36 AM EDT
same thing happened to me and I posted this a while ago. Shade unretired my char. It was retired without any warning.
Your characters were retired due to a very low Score to PR ratio. You were all sent emails notifying you of their impending retirement (I know, I got one myself). If your CB email address is not valid, then you won't get the notification.
June 10 2005 7:06 AM EDT
Saint, the 1st thing I did when my character was 'missing'. I check my email but nothing came through and yes, my email addy was correct.
By the way, if a character was auto retired, does it appear right away in the retired list or it appears only after 4 days?
June 10 2005 12:46 PM EDT
Ok I did recieve E-mail telling me my char was going to retire in seven days.Thanks for all the help.
June 10 2005 1:20 PM EDT
Same here: a character of mine was retired, and I did not receive any warning message
(my e-mail address is valid, since I receive mail when I ask to be notified of responses).
June 10 2005 3:37 PM EDT
I had a character auto-retired without an e-mail. Not a big deal if I can unretire and get the gear back when the time comes.
AdminG Beee
June 10 2005 6:38 PM EDT
"Yes you did retire him. "
Or not directly as the case may bad.
June 10 2005 6:52 PM EDT
One of my chars was "auto" retired also. no warning email either. Glad I'm not going out of town or anything so I'll hopefully be able to unretire him and get the MCM and EC that was equipped on him :( one question, if I didn't have a minion would he still have been retired?
AdminG Beee
June 10 2005 6:53 PM EDT
Characters without minions appear to have also been auto-retired. At least that was the case with mchaos .
June 10 2005 7:04 PM EDT
thanks G Beee for the heads up on that :)
Out of curiousity, what was the point of retiring low PR characters?
AdminG Beee
June 10 2005 7:12 PM EDT
FAQ >> Misc >> 6. ;)
June 10 2005 7:30 PM EDT
thanks, I was looking for that. may need to be reworded for the PR/NW link.
..."We do this because when people strip a Character of items and move on to another without retiring the first, the abandoned Character will sink in score and start to cause a lot of stalemates because his HP is high compared to others at the lower score. This tends to really annoy people."...
I did the opposite by adding armor to this guy, and his HP is at 20 so I wouldn't say that's too high either. I even renamed this char (for 100k) just this week. Anyway, I was going to make him a 1-minion tank farm which was stupid on my part for obvious reasons. I'll revamp him a little.
June 14 2005 3:46 AM EDT
I finally got to unretire my char. thanks for all the help.
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