Requiem/Wasp (in Public Record)

[Banned]Monty June 17 2005 2:39 PM EDT

buying his ELS for 3.5 mil

first payment is when avoid logs on and pays for my forging some time i may decide to forge some of it off =)

Wasp June 17 2005 2:45 PM EDT

He forgot to mention that he's got roughly 3-4 weeks to pay it : ). He will also make frequent payments : ). In the event that the time goes over 4 weeks. Then interest will be charged at 10% compounded per week.

[Banned]Monty June 17 2005 2:47 PM EDT

hehe better than 10% a day :P confirmed

Wasp June 17 2005 5:21 PM EDT

hehe, forgot to say, send all payments to Waspie Bank please : )
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