megamanV//soulcalibur (in Public Record)

Jason Bourne June 23 2005 10:36 PM EDT

ok long complicated deal here:

its my huge MH for his char
my DB's and my Toa for his FF and sc and CML

the MH is x70 + 30 being forged by chargerz right now. i have his MH at x53 which will go back to him when he sends the MH to megaman now.

hes going to send over the stuff tonight, ill send over mine, and chargerz will send the MH when he finishes in 10 days or so. until then MegamanV will be using his MH.

did i forget anything?

WeaponX June 23 2005 10:38 PM EDT


Chargerz-Back June 23 2005 10:50 PM EDT

at only 950k left to add to the X it shouldn't take more than 7 days if not less =)

Jason Bourne June 23 2005 10:50 PM EDT

thankyou much, everything is in order on my side.

great working with you through this, and best of luck with your new strat!

for a single tank, that x70 mh is going to Pwn!
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