Multi? (in Public Record)

Maelstrom June 26 2005 8:26 PM EDT

Three users who started today, each with character names of races from Warcraft III, and each on the same IP. No transfers between them. Some store purchase logs:

allxdenied (Orcish Horde) buy A Cutlass ($7879) 7:34 PM EDT
allxdenied (Orcish Horde) sell A War Hammer ($6969) 7:34 PM EDT
Nexemesis (Night Elf Sentinels) buy A Long Bow ($5204) 7:23 PM EDT
Nexemesis (Night Elf Sentinels) sell A Short Bow ($3308) 7:23 PM EDT
Dustin (Undead Scourge) buy A Battle Axe ($9526) 7:22 PM EDT
Dustin (Undead Scourge) sell A Broad Sword ($6728) 7:22 PM EDT

Chargerz-Back June 26 2005 10:25 PM EDT

if you look at the pictures on the characters they all look similar also.

Maelstrom June 26 2005 11:09 PM EDT

Yeah, the pics are from WCIII, to match the names.

Also, Sefton gave LTBFs to two of them, and they both sold them...?
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