DER/Unattainable Deal (in Public Record)

Dark Elven Ranger July 19 2005 12:58 AM EDT

I have buying his character forgethis and all the equipment for 500 usd. heres the details.

the char and tat get bought first with usd while rest of equipment is loaned to me.
char and tat to be paid off within two weeks.
Once char and tat are paid off then i buy rest of gear off him by the end of august with usd. if all looks good please confirm.

p.s. bones_loans i know i still owe you 1.4 mil, you will be paid off within a couple days. then i will start paying unattainable!!

Chargerz-Back July 19 2005 1:36 AM EDT


Special J August 5 2005 4:48 PM EDT

Dark Elven Ranger it has been brought to my attention that you failed to pay for the items as you stated above.

You need to respond to this asap.

2 week notice as of now.

Mr Bones August 5 2005 4:52 PM EDT

Because I have been mentioned in this post I will add that he still owes me

1,201,990 I have sent chat mails which he as chosen to ignore.
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