drooling over an amazingly fast car (in Off-topic)

Sukotto [lookingglas] July 21 2005 4:45 PM EDT

I came across these videos today and feel so excited that I want to share it with any other car enthused people here.

The Ariel Atom high performance sports car. 0-60 mph in 2.91 seconds. (yes, under 3 seconds). Although I still have my heart set on a Land Rover Defender 98 as an all-around vehicle, I'd love to have one of these speed demons.

Check out these videos:

  1. BBC TopGear
  2. 5th Gear

smallpau1 - Go Blues [Lower My Fees] July 21 2005 4:52 PM EDT

ROFL @ his face when he was going fast, how much is 20,000 pounds is USD?

Sukotto [lookingglas] July 21 2005 5:01 PM EDT

Right now 20,000 UK Pounds is about 35,000 US Dollars

Chargerz-Back July 21 2005 5:25 PM EDT

the 29k pound one (atom 300) is about 51,000 USD

Quark July 22 2005 4:33 PM EDT

Oh. My. God. Except I don't think it'll make street legal in North America with crash test restrictions, never mind switching the drive to the correct side.

Synco July 22 2005 8:13 PM EDT

What do you mean by correct side? Do you just assume that the side that your country places the steering wheel on is the -correct- side as opposed to the rest of the world?

I'm sorry, I didn't know that your country is the perfect example of everything done "correctly" and every other nation that does not follow is wrong.

Sukotto [lookingglas] July 22 2005 8:29 PM EDT

both the US and UK websites claim the car is street legal if you buy the "road" package with things like headlights and whatnot. You might need a rollbar, some kind of windshield, and maybe an airbag depending on your locale though.

Assuming you at least get the headlights and if claim it's some kind of motorcycle, you might only need a tiny little windshield so long as you wear a helmet.

The main problem I would have though would be the irresistable urge to blow past speed traps at 3 times the posted limit. It's hard enough to not speed driving my crappy old honda civic. On of these things might make my foot very heavy.

Sheesh, as it is, my car often goes faster than the limit when it's idling.

Xiaz on Hiatus July 22 2005 11:19 PM EDT

It's amazing to see the cars capability, given it's running a Honda Civic Type-R engine. Aren't those things 4 cylinder, 1.8L? Impressive :)

What's more amazing is the fact he took it into the drive-thru cleaners, lol.

Special J July 23 2005 1:15 AM EDT


Stop being overly sensitive, he meant the correct side for the US roadways, not that your side is wrong. Christ, calm down and go outside.

I wouldn't change it, it is no longer a lawful requirement to have steering on the left side.

Synco July 23 2005 10:42 AM EDT

Actually, I live in the US too. So, I'm really not being overly sensitive about the whole thing. Did I ever say he meant -my- side was wrong? No, I didn't.

Maybe you should go outside.

{CB1}Lukeyman July 23 2005 11:50 AM EDT

mines still loading...... instead of making a faster car, why not make my quicktime load faster!

Special J July 23 2005 11:05 PM EDT


It is better to be thought a fool than open your mouth and prove it.

Good day Sir.

Ox [StephenMelinda Gates Fund] July 23 2005 11:26 PM EDT


Synco July 23 2005 11:36 PM EDT

Exactly, mrwuss. You're right, you're a fool. I'm sorry I didn't believe you at first, but how can I not accept your wonderful proof?

Special J July 23 2005 11:49 PM EDT


Oh you got me there, I have so been shown the error of my ways. I mean what you just did, I had to call me brother who is a junior in high school and explain it to him. He laughed and told me the past would be calling and suing you for plagiarism and me to stop attempting to explain the juvenile actions of the children who frequent this site why it doesn't pay off to be a dink in life.

So I concede, you win. Your first comment was not uncalled for gibberish. You win, your attack on the poster was just in it's cause, he sure meant 'his country' was right and everyone else was wrong. You win, Jesus hates me now and canceled his plans to come over and make smores tonight. It is a good thing we have people like you to over react and set things correct in the world.

//wipes hands, done

Synco July 23 2005 11:55 PM EDT

I accept your apology. I'm very sorry you were dropped on you rhead when you were a baby, and I sympathize for your brother.

Quark July 26 2005 5:16 PM EDT

Eh? I lost track of this thread.

Actually, I meant exactly to joke about my country being right all the time and others wrong. Especially since I'm Canadian - that's where most of the joke comes in.

Grim Reaper August 1 2005 5:43 PM EDT

I preffer the steering wheel to be in the middle instead of on the left which everyone in the world has except the UK :)

Sukotto [lookingglas] August 1 2005 10:47 PM EDT

Since it's a two-seater, I think a central steering wheel would be a bit awkward. :-D
The site says that it's easily converted to whichever side you prefer.

Xiaz on Hiatus August 1 2005 10:48 PM EDT

Well they are 'custom' made, aren't they?
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