Info on Nintendo Revolution controller released! (in Off-topic)

Aco September 18 2005 2:34 PM EDT Like, OMG! How dynamic! How innovational! How funky! How battery consuming!

AdminShade September 18 2005 2:42 PM EDT

old news already :P

Adrian Exodus September 18 2005 2:47 PM EDT

yeah this was on slashdot and other sites like so long ago i can't even remember :P

Tenchi Muyo September 18 2005 3:36 PM EDT

It isn't that old, it just got revealed during the Tokyo Game Show.

[T]Vestax September 18 2005 4:23 PM EDT

If I've seen it already then it must be old, and I've seen it already.

Aco September 19 2005 9:46 AM EDT

well sorry for trying to inform the ignorant :'(
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