Possible problem with the TG---AG conversion. (in Public Record)

QBRanger September 25 2005 8:40 PM EDT

This is a possible problem with the conversion we were able to do in the first 48 hours the AGs came out.

EBS sent over a set of TG and has yet to get his AG. I think everyone else has by now.

Here is the xfer from him to central bank:
EBS (Bank Account) Jonathan (Central Bank) A Pair of Elven Gloves ($113608) -- AG's September 23 2005 11:09 PM EDT

Looking through his xfer logs no AG's were sent to his characters.

Jon, can you look into this and make sure it was an oversight.

Thank you.

QBRanger September 25 2005 8:42 PM EDT

Oops, it was a set of EG sent over not TG, but either could have been used to convert to AG.

TheEverblacksky October 2 2005 1:15 PM EDT

i'm sorry to bump this up but i was just wondering if i was overpassed
EBS (Bank Account) Jonathan (Central Bank) A Pair of Elven Gloves ($113608) -- AG's September 23 2005 11:09 PM EDT........
sorry to cause any problems....

AdminG Beee October 2 2005 3:34 PM EDT

Sorry EBS but we need Jon to sort this one for you. I checked and there's no AGs on either of his chars for me to send over to you. Looks like you need a pair "created".

Drop Jon an email if you've not already heard from him.

PS. He doesn't bite ;)
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