GentlemanLoser's time to leave. (in Off-topic)
For Vegas!!! :D
Tomorrow straight from work Claire and I are driving to Gatwick to spend the night, and catching a late morning flight to Vegas on Friday!
We're only there for a week this time, to do everything we never got round to because of the wedding and do again some of the good stuff we did!
Today is the last chance I'll get to use the 'net, unless Claire has a lasp and allows me, er, we decide to use the 'net in Vegas.
Not having any immediate money issues anymore (hardest thing for Claire was realising she wouldn't get to quit her job as soon as she wanted! :P ), or having to watch what we do, we're gonna go for a big blow out!!!
CBers, I salute you!
Don't miss me too much! :P
Ahh VEGAS ... I had the best time in Las Vegas ... Next time I go, and of course there will be a next time, I'll stay at a better casino .. last timeI stayed at the Flamingo ... it was super .. up about 20 floors and had a perfect view of the fountain show :)
AdminG Beee
October 19 2005 12:09 PM EDT
Have a blast mate.
Put it all on BLACK !
Hehehehehe!! I'm tempted to take all our cash and the first we do is stick it all on Black!!! But I'm a crap gambler! ;)
Claires folks stayed in the Flamingo with a great veiw of the Belagio fountains!
This year we've gone slightly cheaper, Moved down from Circus Circus (we didn't even see a show there) to the Stardust. I was drawn by their bar and pool area. There's nothing I like more than drinking beer in the sun next to a pool!
This time, we're only taking a small suitcase between us, and buying loads of clothes out there. We get ripped off so badly over here! >_<
October 19 2005 1:18 PM EDT
G Beee said everything I planned on saying. :P If you go to the black jack table just remember that it is better to hold 13 then it is to risk going over. Unless your good at counting cards. ;) Good luck.
You have better odds of winning if you bet everything in one shot than if you make several small bets.
But you don't have to gamble to have fun in Las Vegas. Lots of free or cheap shows. The wife and I liked the circus shows, the giant pirate ship, the volcano, the roof show in downtown, and we ended up going to several free shows from coupons in the free newspapers.
If you plan to gamble, I strongly urge you to predefine a chunk of "gambling money" and when it's gone then the gambling stops. Too many people try to dig themselves out of gambling losses by "just one more little withdrawal from the chequing account" and end up spending way more than they ever intended.
Also, off-strip casinos often have much cheaper table minimums and slots than the big showcase casinos on the strip. Your money will last longer :-).
ah, I didn't read your post carefully enough. Let me change mine to:
Have fun! send a postcard!
October 19 2005 3:05 PM EDT
"You have better odds of winning if you bet everything in one shot than if you make several small bets."
True, but you also have better odds of losing everything.
Gambling, as someone said, is a tax on people who can't do math.
October 19 2005 3:24 PM EDT
I like a gamble from time to time and I've been very very lucky with my bets. However, the only real winners where gambling are concerned are the casinos. Play the slots by all means - you get free drinks that way - but stay away from the tables!
Have a fantastic time mate!
Oh and remember Oceans 11 was a movie. You cannot rob the casinos...
But if you do I like to drive Jaguars
see ya soon!
You should go visit the Hoover Dam, GL. Fairly short drive away and it won't suck down your cash like the casino tables.
October 19 2005 4:26 PM EDT
Have a great time GL. Just remember, knowing how to gamble is different from knowing how to win. Bet sensibly. :)
:) Thanks guys! We're really not gamblers though, so our money should be quite safe. I did like playing on a penny slot machine called Dragons Lair (I think..) and Claire was enamored by 'Texas Tea' (and did a lot better than me in the end, but we're only taking about $10-15 here!) and liked the new slots to the old one armed bandits.
Free Drinks is the best part of Gambling! ;)
The table games don't really interest us much, we're just going to lose ourselves in the fantasy land of Vegas! ;) Next we'll have to do a trip into real America, or maybe Canada! :P
Grim Reaper
October 24 2005 4:50 AM EDT
I usually end up going to vegas to spend 500bucks on shows instead of gambling. If you going to lose money, might aswell lose it by going to the shows :)
October 24 2005 5:20 AM EDT
miss you already! bring back good stories!
October 24 2005 5:22 AM EDT
We'll miss ya bud. Hope you win the big bucks!!! :)
Well we didn't hit any jackpots, so it's back to work Monday... :(
The biggest win I had was nerly $20 on a slot machine! :)
We did so much stuff, Highlights I can think of now (and I really should go to bed...) A Paddleboat trip (and Dinner) on Lake Mead (Would have been so much better if it was earlier when the sun was up, but I suppose much less romantic) and seeing Avenue Q at the Wynn (And the gel pads in the Wynn's urinals! Seriously!). Avenue Q is also coming to Stratford (basically where I live) before heading to the West End.
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