Okay, I bought some Seeker Bolts, I think thats what they were, and realized I didn't like them as much as I do the regular things and went to put them back on the auction block but it won't go. Does that mean I can't reauction them?
October 21 2005 11:28 PM EDT
maybe the NW was too low. increasing the NW would probably allow you to re-auction them.
Special J
October 21 2005 11:29 PM EDT
You have a short bow equipped with bolts, not going to work.
What error are you getting when you attempt to add them to auctions?
October 21 2005 11:30 PM EDT
I have had the exact same problem at times. What I have done is use a few of the ammo, then it lets me reput them back in auctions.
not enough money probably, you only have 919 on you.
I have more than enough money. It just won't add them. I can't find a way to get rid of them. Guess I'll just try the WTS forums.
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