Not sure but can an Admin check this please:
What is the deal between Wheel Of Time and Manson (Dragon Reborn)
They swap alot of cb2 and Dragon Reborn is a Title in the series "The Wheel of Time".
Same IP too I think, but I'll leave that to your pro's :)
! Love Barney
October 24 2005 12:03 AM EDT
well. . . this is what i see
- manson has been fined about 2mil before for multi
- wheel of time has fought about 10k times and there is no way for someone that started his account in may to make that much money (ive fought 13k fights but my nub was 150 when i started. . .what was the nub back then?)
- same ip? red flag!
- name connection? bright cherry red flag
/me remembers his forging days.
October 24 2005 12:03 AM EDT
Definitely Manson 1-way transfer to Wheel of Time... I can't wait what is the excuse this time.
Special J
October 24 2005 12:05 AM EDT
We shall wait for GB or bart to tend to this one.
Ok check this IP as well:
Two accounts on the same IP
kagaku and ywnwrath
! Love Barney
October 24 2005 12:17 AM EDT
1 sided xfers from ywn to kagaku.
Back and forth x-fers between Physche and Rampage alot of them... what about this USd master
that one has been brought up before:
October 24 2005 4:15 AM EDT
Community->Character transfers...
As far as it concerns ywnwraith and kagaku8, you should check this old post.
October 24 2005 6:33 AM EDT
Hey, I'm innocent. I bought Dragon Reborn from Wheel Of Time. That's the reason why we have the same IP address.
Below is the thread of my bid on his character:
October 24 2005 6:34 AM EDT
And on top of that, the "Manson" who got fined is Mansonfreek, not me.
kaga and ywn are boyfriend/girlfriend
pysche and RAMPAGE are either bf/gf or married, cant remember :)
October 24 2005 8:38 AM EDT
Yes, Kagaku8 and I have been looked at as multi's before. She's my girlfriend. I sold her a TOA so she could insta it. There's a PR post. She owes me money within a month.
Thanks to everyone who also mentioned that we weren't multi's. =)
October 24 2005 8:50 AM EDT
PR thread for the sale of my tattoo to kaga.
October 24 2005 9:37 AM EDT
can we leave the multi hunting to the pro's or PM/CM admins in private? this game is largely based on reputation and to have that reputation damaged can affect sales and relationships with clan mates and the whole community.
October 24 2005 9:44 AM EDT
Megaman is right. Most people tend to remember the cries of 'Multi' not the resulting 'innocent' verdict. And that is dirt that sticks unfortunately.
October 24 2005 9:46 AM EDT
Although I do love the posts some people make regarding multis when they themselves turn out to be the guilty party. Those ones make me laugh. A lot. =)
Manson, 6:33 AM EDT
Hey, I'm innocent. I bought Dragon Reborn from Wheel Of Time. That's the reason why we have the same IP address.
Below is the thread of my bid on his character:
why does this mean you have the same IP?
October 24 2005 10:33 AM EDT
because of the character transfer the same IP address now shows up for past auctions / transfers / store buyings...
still seems like a lot of one way money xfers from Manson to wheel of time...
October 24 2005 11:11 AM EDT
Are those transfers mainly from before, or after the character transfer?
Remember that before the character transfer, Dragon Reborn was owned by Wheel Of Time, so all transfers between Dragon Reborn and any of Wheel Of Time's (other) characters was entirely within the same account...
Look I don't really care if you are gf/bf, what is to say that your other isn't logging in and helping you use up your BA?
That is two people running two accounts, there's not much difference to me when it comes to being a multi or not.
Megaman, I want to keep the place clean, catching frequent usd sellers is one way of finding multis cause they will keep doing it over and over and create new accounts when their nub runs out.
If this is perfectly legal, then I'll have my kid join up too and advise him of what to do with his account. He'd love to make USD by selling his CB2. It'd sure beat doing his chores.
October 24 2005 12:20 PM EDT
usd sellers or usd buyers?
Wheel Of Time
October 24 2005 2:40 PM EDT
Ok, just to repeat what Manson said and what he showed you all. The ONLY reason it shows him on my transfer history is because I sold Dragon Reborn to him weeks ago. Those transfers between "him" and I were just my own characters to each other. In no way, shape or form, were those transfers between to different accounts. And yes I did accumulate the money by my own means. Just because I didn't fight much didn't mean I didn't camp during the craze. If you check you'll see that I sold about 3-4 items for close to 1mil or over. So before you start accusing us of being multies, you need to do your research.
October 24 2005 2:44 PM EDT
Mikel i never said don't try to help catch multi's. i said don't make public posts about it. how hard is it to just CM or PM an admin instead?
AdminG Beee
October 24 2005 2:59 PM EDT
For what it's worth I appreciate all the help I get when tracking down multis and prefer dealing with posts such as this rather than sifting through the screeds of information left in my CM.
Posting on the public forums as Mikel has done is perfectly ok. Some of the feedback that's been posted has been educational and helps the community in general "police" the site more efficiently. I'm sure the next time Mikel suspects someone he will have a look at the community transfers first before posting. This hasn't been a negative experience for him or others who search for multis.
The way the original post was worded meant no offense to either Manson or Wheel of Time but merely highlighted what Mikel thought was a potential problem in my opinion.
Thanks for taking the time to post Mikel.
PS. Community Transfers is not such a "noobish" thing to miss. Been there, done that myself in the past. Thank goodness for Bart :)
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