An Epic Contest, Part 1 (in Contests)

QBBarzooMonkey October 25 2005 9:46 PM EDT

Despite whatever it is people tend to call me over the internet, I'm going to keep doing what I do :)

This one is for you web page designers (and wannabees, too!) out there.

I'll start with a reminder of what inspired this latest idea:
Mistress Reyna's story contest
My "continue the story contest"

My goal is to hold a big, monthly "continue the story" contest, until we CB2ers have collectively written the first ever "Carnage Blender Epic".
But then I thought, "how will everyone read it?" On a website, of course. I would design a simple page background and template, and post the winning "chapters", with full credit to the CB2ers that wrote them, at the end of every month. Maybe with a link in the Wiki or Community page if I can get it sanctioned... :)

Anyways, I'm really busy lately. Not a lot of time to design a page(s). So, I thought I'd try a contest.

I have 1 mil CB2$ set aside, and have been accumulating some pretty good tank gear, for the winner.

Your job, contestants, is to design the "A Carnage Blender Epic" web page template.
- Keep it simple (I'm a graphics and photo guy, not a programmer, so ease of updating is essential)
- A right sidebar to list links to chapters, a main frame in which to typeset each chapter, and a cool graphic header is all we'll need.
- If interest is actually shown with this, I'll provide an email address to send files to me, and I'll start uploading them to whatever URL I get for this purpose, and will provide links for the community to see the entries.
- Since it's a big project sort of a contest, the deadline will be November 30. I will continue to accumulate prizes until then, as I want to make it worth the effort.
- The first week of December, I'll try to convince or bribe an admin (probably not MrWuss, though, because I don't think he'll talk to me anymore :P) to make a poll for everyone to vote on their favorite.

Remember, the title must be "A Carnage Blender Epic", and what CB2 means to you is your graphic theme. Oh, and I'll be using Dreamweaver to edit when I start adding chapters, so make sure it's compatible.

QBBarzooMonkey October 26 2005 9:00 AM EDT

Inspirational, Celebrational, Informational bump.

QBBarzooMonkey October 26 2005 9:09 PM EDT

This contest is cancelled.

QBBarzooMonkey November 2 2005 2:18 PM EST

Okay, as promised to those of you who sent me CM's about how disappointed you were (a lot more than I ever expected, so thanks!), this contest is back on. Deadline is still November 30th. Game on!

QBBarzooMonkey November 3 2005 5:38 PM EST

Just another bump.

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] November 3 2005 7:23 PM EST

How many folks are participating...I was considering dusting off some skills...but I want to know what I'm up against

QBBarzooMonkey November 3 2005 8:22 PM EST

novice, I've heard from 5 or 6 others so far, if that gives you any indication...

Wonderpuff November 3 2005 8:45 PM EST

Color-wise, what's your favorite cb2 skin?

QBBarzooMonkey November 3 2005 9:12 PM EST

I like the color of "default", but I like the style of blue/grey2 better, so I use that.

Wonderpuff November 3 2005 9:14 PM EST

Can I safely clone the color scheme of default then? Or would you prefer blue/grey2 for your site?

(It's almost done.)

QBBarzooMonkey November 3 2005 9:31 PM EST

Surprise me :)

Wonderpuff November 4 2005 12:11 AM EST

I sent you a CM with a link.

MaLicious [Ascendancy] November 4 2005 12:25 AM EST

Ok i'm going to have a try as I have some knowledge and already have a few of my own websites.

trigger99 November 5 2005 5:39 PM EST

ill participate if i find enough time to make one lol

trigger99 November 6 2005 11:13 AM EST

how many chapters are there going to be? so i can make links
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