problem with buying ba (in General)

Biscuitback October 30 2005 11:54 PM EST

i just tried to hurry up and purchased my 503 ba before it hit midnight, and guess what?.... no ba.. it didn't take my money, but now it says i have no more ba to buy.. what's up with that?

QBRanger October 31 2005 1:42 AM EST


you are so yesterday.there are numerous posts on this very item.

I had this happens to me. try using FF as it then let me buy my ba regularily.

InebriatedArsonist October 31 2005 1:44 AM EST

I had this happen with Firefox a few days ago, Ranger. Just try logging out and logging in again, that worked for me.

QBBast [Hidden Agenda] October 31 2005 1:51 AM EST

I've twice managed to just refresh my left frame, and have the "get more BA" go from 0 to the correct amount of purchasable BA. I, too, am a FireFox user.

Biscuitback October 31 2005 2:38 AM EST

it wasn't the problem of me not having a chance of buying it, but "get more ba" link showed i could buy my 503 ba, but when i did it took my ba like it normally did but not put it in my usable battle allocation. it didn't take my money either.

i do remember one thing though... instead of me hitting the "OK" button on that particular screen, i hit the enter key instead... i wonder if that is what might have caused it.

bartjan October 31 2005 2:52 AM EST

Did you use the 'refresh' link after your first failed attempt, so that the side bar got updated with the correct amount of buyable BA?

By the way, either the side bar needs to be changed to use Ajax to see how much BA is buyable, or at least needs a clock to know when it's past midnight...

Biscuitback October 31 2005 3:08 PM EST

no i didn't bart... but i will next time.. i didn't know i should have done that til it was too late.. i tried to buy my ba like 2 minutes before midnight, and when i read rangers post about this ordeal over again.. it was too late... oh well... i'll remember next time

AdminJonathan October 31 2005 4:25 PM EST

I fixed it to pull the up-to-date number of BA from the server.

Biscuitback October 31 2005 5:03 PM EST

thank you jon
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