Merry Christmas CB! (in Off-topic)

Primordial December 24 2005 6:46 PM EST

It's almost time!

[YG]Wildthing December 24 2005 6:47 PM EST

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone. Hope you can all spend some time with friends and family.

Adrian Exodus December 24 2005 6:52 PM EST

Santa's in Russia right now!

QBJohnnywas December 24 2005 6:56 PM EST

Happy Christmas! I hope you all get what you wish for this year!


Adrian Exodus December 24 2005 6:58 PM EST

so all of you don't think I'm crazy...well crazier then normal :P

MrC [DodgingTheEvilForgeFees] December 24 2005 7:01 PM EST

Merry Christmas!

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] December 24 2005 7:05 PM EST

A very merry Xmas! :D

I hope Santa brings everyone everything they desire, but nothing they deserve!


AdminShade December 24 2005 7:16 PM EST

Joy (not)

all family commitments, bah :p

Xiaz on Hiatus December 24 2005 7:28 PM EST

Christmas time is family time, the horror.

Adminedyit [Superheros] December 24 2005 7:34 PM EST

Christmas with the inlaws, oh the joy of it all.

Angel of Death [Hell Blenders] December 24 2005 7:36 PM EST

merry Christmas
another boring 1 for me :(

RedWolf December 24 2005 7:37 PM EST

feliz navidad :-)

Barron [CB2BANK Investors Club] December 24 2005 8:07 PM EST

Just visiting: Merry Christmas everyone!

SNK3R December 24 2005 8:18 PM EST

Frohe Weihnachten!

AdminG Beee December 24 2005 8:28 PM EST

Merry Christmas everyone, and just in case you didn't know - Santa wears a kilt too ;)

Blarg December 24 2005 8:29 PM EST

merry christmas everyone!

CoolWater December 24 2005 8:30 PM EST

Merry X'mas to all. It's now Christmas day here in Australia.

Admin{CB1}Slayer333 [SHIELD] December 24 2005 8:46 PM EST

Merry Christmas y'all :D

DrAcO5676 [The Knighthood III] December 24 2005 8:50 PM EST

Joyeux Noël and a Gai Nouvel An, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year...

Bootsanator December 24 2005 9:55 PM EST

merry Christmas! feliz navidad!
...that's all i got without going to google :P

I hope everyone's holiday goes well

QBOddBird December 24 2005 10:05 PM EST

Merry Christmas everyone!!! ^_^

Timberwolf December 24 2005 11:10 PM EST

Happy Holidays everyone.

Synco December 25 2005 9:20 AM EST

Merry Chrismahanukwanzakah, everyone! =)

AdminShade December 25 2005 9:50 AM EST

Vrolijk Kerstfeest

Pyro December 25 2005 10:10 AM EST

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all!!!!!and to all good morning

Sukotto [lookingglas] December 25 2005 11:11 AM EST

Merry Christmas everyone! All the best to each of you this special day.

I was Dignifried Bean December 25 2005 1:52 PM EST

Merry Christmas and a happy change-month to all :)

{CB1ate}aupStar December 25 2005 7:46 PM EST

Meeeerrrryyyyyyyyy Christmas! ^________^

jayuu December 25 2005 11:30 PM EST

Merry Christmas to everyone! Wishing you and yours a festive season and all the best in the new year.
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