The list... (in Public Record)

{CB1}Bio December 27 2005 9:52 PM EST

This recent shut down will cause many a player to leave. I am adding myself to that list. This is my official goodbye. I once was a mean camper here. 10 mill a week income once. CB1 was my passion. Built up my char and sold out then was rebuilding agian had just spent loads of usd to get my stuff back (including x24 elb) and only to see it perish. Just as i am doing now. This game was only a series of let downs for me. If this were set up properly i would have loved it here. Goodbye to all the good people who made my time on CB1 a good time. This is also a list of people who are quitting now you may sign the list.

Asian Man December 27 2005 9:56 PM EST

awww that sounds so sad.

i feel sorry for all the people out there who are quiting because this game is fun and you will all miss your friends here at CB.

i wish you BIO a happy new year.

QBRanger December 27 2005 9:56 PM EST

I think more cowbell would have made him stay.

Ox [StephenMelinda Gates Fund] December 27 2005 9:59 PM EST

If a cowbell rang every time I did Down+Enter my experience on CB2 would be much fuller. It's things like this that would separate CB2 from CB1.

Max December 27 2005 10:03 PM EST


{CB1}Bio December 27 2005 10:05 PM EST

thanks ranger and asain...and to max and oxe...its people like you who made me quit and ruin this community. thanks for taking my post seriously...jerks

Ox [StephenMelinda Gates Fund] December 27 2005 10:09 PM EST

Hmm and I always thought people liked humor.

(CB1)G-Money December 27 2005 10:42 PM EST

I have to go with Bio with this one. CB1 was it for me. I learned alot of things from there. There were also alot of really nice people who wouldn't give up on it. The only reason I didn't play this is b/c I thought that it was built right the first time. I know it must be hard to run 2 games at the same time but, I just can't take this version for many reasons. I'm adding myself to this list too. This is goodbye to all the people who helped me out in the original person. Along with Bio, I say goodbye to all the people who made the first CB worth playing.



YNM December 27 2005 10:50 PM EST

Sad to see you go Bio, if you truly are going. I really don't understand why though, and i won't ask it. CB will be at a loss when you sing off for your last time, or at least my experience with Cb will. We will miss all of you who sign this thing, and those of you who don't but still leave.
With a heavy heart,

Sukotto [lookingglas] December 27 2005 10:54 PM EST

Before complaining too loudly about losing money on cb1, check Jon's "CB! will not be back" thread. He said to contact him via email if you sent cb1-related money in the last two months.

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] December 27 2005 10:56 PM EST

Aloha Bio, you'll be missed (before you go you should stop in the goodbye thread and chat it up)

SNK3R December 27 2005 10:59 PM EST

I believe this may be a different case, Sukotto. Jon said, "If you sent me money for something CB1-related in the past two months, please email me." This would make me believe that he was talking about either item namings or supporterships, not inside CB money (i.e. upgrading ELBs). However, now that I look at it, it may mean both or just the one side. Perhaps clarification could help, or maybe I'm just horrible at interpreting things. :)

Sukotto [lookingglas] December 27 2005 11:03 PM EST

I read it as "if you sent Jon money, Jon will talk to you about it and maybe work something out". My comment wasn't clear.

I also mis-read Bio's post thinking he had just spent money on a naming or something in addition to intra-player purchases.

I should just go to bed.

Asian Man December 27 2005 11:18 PM EST

Bio im sorry.
i truely am sad that we have to see people go. i didn't know you well but i can imagine losing a good online friend.

have a happy new year and if you can, please visit. i would rather have you stay but it seems like you want to leave.

you stay sharp in this cruel, cruel world.

and as for the cowbells, YEAH!!!!

Asian Man December 27 2005 11:21 PM EST

oops, forgot you g-money.
hopefully you are just joking around and seeing how many people care but everyone cares about losing a "friendly" rival.

you have a happy new year.

(as my dad used to say, "there is a time for everything")

Vaynard [Fees Dirt Cheap] December 28 2005 12:00 AM EST

I'm sorry to hear you guys are leaving. I can understand your motivation for doing so, but maybe after a while you will be able to come back? Good luck with whatever you end up doing. Long live the memory of CB1!

CoolWater December 28 2005 1:41 AM EST

hopefully I can join this list soon. I can't wait. I've been trying to sell out my char with no luck. hopefully it'll be gone soon.
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