Buyable BA Bug? (in General)

FailBoat[SG] [Forever Alone] February 12 2006 11:37 PM EST

Hey guys, now that I have the internet at home, I've been buying BA alot lately trying to get my NCB up to par with my current and surpass it, hopefully. But my BA hasn't refreshed in about two days and I would like to know if there is something wrong or if the lack of sleep is kicking in on me. Can anyone tell me?

SNK3R February 12 2006 11:43 PM EST

The actual BA isn't refreshing, or the 'Get More BA' BA isn't refreshing?

QBRanger February 12 2006 11:55 PM EST

In chat he stated his "get more ba" was not refreshing.

SNK3R February 13 2006 12:12 AM EST

I know when I didn't restart my browser or the like a while back, I got this too until I refreshed the left frame. Try refreshing the left frame before clicking it again to see if that resets the figure given in the pop-up.

FailBoat[SG] [Forever Alone] February 13 2006 12:50 AM EST

It works now. Thanks.
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