FYI Admins (in Public Record)

Rommel [Darkest Hour] February 16 2006 4:25 PM EST

Letting you know that my little bro will be playing this game as well. Just to let you know I'm not multi-ing. He will be in my clan, but we will not transfer anything to each other. It should be obvious that we are different people, as he is 10 years old.

Ducky123 [Yggdrasil] February 16 2006 4:38 PM EST

I didn't think that was allowed?

AdminShade February 16 2006 4:41 PM EST

some people shouldn't think *grins*

Ducky123 [Yggdrasil] February 16 2006 4:42 PM EST

and that's supposed to mean what exactly?

SNK3R February 16 2006 4:43 PM EST

That the logic of letting a family member not play isn't quite correct.

Ducky123 [Yggdrasil] February 16 2006 4:46 PM EST

haha I feel like such a idiot but, And what does that mean?

SNK3R February 16 2006 4:49 PM EST

It's not against the rules to have another family member play Carnage Blender 2.

Ducky123 [Yggdrasil] February 16 2006 4:52 PM EST

ok cool:P Then I'm gonna ask if ze bro wants to play:D

chappy [Soup Ream] February 16 2006 5:00 PM EST

just make sure you don't give him anything ... one way transfers are an easy way to get re-set / banned

bartjan February 16 2006 5:06 PM EST

For admins, these posts are meaningless. It's your behavior that counts...

QBPixel Sage February 16 2006 7:03 PM EST

ROMMEL! You're... kinda back! Haha. Anyways, I can't imagine you getting into any trouble anyways, since you won't be transferring anything to each other anyways. Now who was that person who thought you and I were multis...
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