VA / PL broken? (in General)

Vaynard [Fees Dirt Cheap] March 29 2006 4:33 PM EST

Maybe I am just missing something here, and if so, I am sorry. But it looks to me as though that is the case. Fighting I Love You, owned by Karn, I notice something strange. I use a BoNE, and have around a 100k trained VA. He does not have DM.

Shiraha rived kalo [90254]
tubby absorbs damage [90254]
Shiraha lacerated kalo [82792]
tubby absorbs damage [82792]
Shiraha rent kalo [92052]
tubby absorbs damage [92052]

Shiraha scratched kalo [72044]
tubby absorbs damage [72044]
Shiraha rived kalo [106064]
tubby absorbs damage [106064]

It goes on and on like that, until his CoC finally gets me. Now my question is, why isn't my VA ever giving me anything back? Again, no DM, and I'm definitely dealing the damage. Is this how PL is supposed to work?

bartjan March 29 2006 4:34 PM EST

PL block VA. Both ways.

Ragatag March 29 2006 4:35 PM EST

i think this question was asked before and it was that PL cancels the VA out, if my memory serves correct.

Vaynard [Fees Dirt Cheap] March 29 2006 4:38 PM EST

That can't be right though, can it? I thought DM was the only spell that turned off other spells completely? Besides, against Userfriendly owned by Bartjan:

Shiraha rived Pitr [172824]
Stef absorbs damage [20000]
Shiraha draws strength from his weapon! [11326]
Shiraha rived Pitr [176329]
Stef absorbs damage [20000]
Shiraha draws strength from his weapon! [13822]

Now I am drawing HP from them, although only from the small amount and none of the main part of the damage I dealt.

QBRanger March 29 2006 4:39 PM EST

He is PLing all the damage done. In the PL description the VA/MH/Bth leech is calculated on the damage given to the minion you hit AFTER PL is applied.

In this case his PL is taking all your damage away from the minion you did it to, therefore there is 0 left to leech.

Vaynard [Fees Dirt Cheap] March 29 2006 4:45 PM EST

Ouch, how many tank things must PL turn off? So now, not only do we lose any effectiveness of Axbows and Exbows at all, we also lose any VA we might have gained?

QBOddBird March 29 2006 4:51 PM EST

and PL even pwns the FB mages/CoC mages! It is an all-purpose killing tool!

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] March 29 2006 7:36 PM EST

don't hold your breath for a change either, if the max tat fix is any indication this should get fixed in about six months.

Asura March 30 2006 5:30 PM EST

Honestly, I've not noticed a problem with PL as of yet with my Single Mage FB'er...then again, I'm not particularly high in pr, either, so that may change. Only thing that's really different is the PL guy dies REALLY fast.
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