Some Multi's / Nolti's (in Public Record)

AdminG Beee May 19 2006 6:56 AM EDT

Reset Natara, banned Lexca.

Reset Dream, banned AcidDream.

Banned both Dominator and BoyWonder who is a repeat offender.

Reset Xod, banned Menoth.

Reset colder, banned Destruction Overdrive.

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] May 19 2006 8:35 AM EDT

Nolti? As in Nick Nolti?

AdminShade May 19 2006 8:41 AM EDT

Thats Nick Nolte?

AdminG Beee May 19 2006 9:14 AM EDT

Actually it's a very good corruption of the word "Multi", and has been used by many folks over the CB ages, but most recently defined by Gun.

[CB1]Gun: "Nolti means you are more Noob than you're Multi. Combines multi, noob and a so-so actor."

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