Maelstrom / Hellblender - Morg deal - closed (in Public Record)

Maelstrom June 4 2006 11:56 PM EDT

I haven't been as active in CB lately, and I hate being in debt, so I'm finishing up the deal between Hellblender and myself that was made last year regarding Nixon Jibfest's Morgul Hammer.

I received a free long-term loan of a Morg from Jibfest, for as long as I was actively using it, and once done with it, I was to transfer ownership of the Morg to Hellblender. Here you go, enjoy it :)

Maelstrom (Kynthelig) HellBlender (Chewy) A Morgul-Hammer ($1456777) -- end of long loan 11:54 PM EDT

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