What happens when there is no one in clan? (in General)

Flamey June 21 2006 6:51 AM EDT

seriously the clan is still there, the clan 668, the leader got banned, its got points with no members.

so what happens?

{CB1}-Mokaba June 21 2006 7:04 AM EDT

It has an open membership. So you can go in and take the clan over.
Or an admin can delete the clan.

AdminShade June 21 2006 7:13 AM EDT

Well, I can't delete the clan when nobody is in it...

QBJohnnywas June 21 2006 7:40 AM EDT

Clan 668 is doomed to wander the world, unable to make clan points for the rest of it's existence. Somewhere in there is a half drunk can of Coke and a doughnut slowly going stale.

I would have thought that within the week it will be auto disbanded anyway for not making enough points.

Flamey June 21 2006 7:51 AM EDT

you only get auto-disbanded for make too much negative points, otherwise those dead clans wouldn't exist.

my guess is it will disappear at the next cache flush if there are no members in it by then.
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