what is a good tennis racquet? (in Off-topic)

nugget June 28 2006 10:04 AM EDT

i need a good tennis racquet that won't break or bend after a couple of game. so anyone with idea?

NSFY June 28 2006 10:15 AM EDT

They don't make them out of wood anymore.

Wasp June 28 2006 11:35 AM EDT

I've got a nice Slazenger one that I've had for years :D

NSFY June 28 2006 11:45 AM EDT

I like Wilson. You could also look at Prince, Babolat, Head, Slazenger, Yonex, etc.

Most of these companies make a huge line of racquets for all skill and price levels. I don't think any would break or bend after a few games unless you go all McEnroe/Safin on them. Most sporting goods stores will have decent low end racquets.

I am done trying to be helpful now. It is exhausting.
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