What would you like to know about your upcoming QB? (in Contests)

SNK3R July 1 2006 12:55 AM EDT

Coming very shortly, there will be several nominees for this upcoming QB election for QB 2006, Quarter 2. I would like to know what questions the public would like the nominees to answer. Think of important things you would like to know about the QB before you vote for them.

*Note: Posting a question in this thread does not guarantee that it will automatically be added to the questionnaire ballot.

Admin{CB1}Slayer333 [SHIELD] July 1 2006 1:17 AM EDT

What caught your eye about CB2 when you first joined?

Gallatin [Thanoscopter And You] July 1 2006 1:26 AM EDT

Who showed you to CB?

Vaynard [Fees Dirt Cheap] July 1 2006 1:30 AM EDT

What is it that keeps you coming back to CB2?

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] July 1 2006 2:53 AM EDT

What about the game do you have the least understanding of?

Would you pay more for a char created January 1st 2005?

Have you ever sold CB for $US?

Have you bought CB for $US?

What do you seen as the biggest contribution to the game made by someone other than Jon, an admin, or a current QB?

Would you enter your kid brother in a monkey knife fight if they gave you 10 to 1 odds?

Negator July 1 2006 3:33 AM EDT

What (realistic) change do you think Jon could make to attract and retain more players?

Flamey July 1 2006 7:15 AM EDT

i'll filter it out for you shade.
added a few things in brackets.

* What about the game do you have the least understanding of?

* Would you pay more for a char created January 1st 2005? (Why, Why not?)

* Have you ever sold CB for $US? (Why?)

* Have you bought CB for $US? (Why?)

* What do you seen as the biggest contribution to the game made by someone other than Jon, an admin, or a current QB?

* Would you enter your kid brother in a monkey knife fight if they gave you 10 to 1 odds? (This is funny, lets see the answer to this :D )

* What (realistic) change do you think Jon could make to attract and retain more players?

* What caught your eye about CB2 when you first joined?

* What is it that keeps you coming back to CB2?

* Who showed you to CB? (How did you find out about CB?)

Zoglog[T] [big bucks] July 1 2006 9:38 AM EDT

For those that don't understand, this is a thread to post questions you would like to be asked of the QB nominees.
Later there will we a thread asking you to e-mail your nominees to an individual (you cannot nominate yourself)
Only a certain number of worthy people become nominees (not everybody is allowed to answer and be considered a participant).
I therefore ask anyone without a question they would like to be asked to stop posting their replies to previous questions.

th00p July 1 2006 11:59 AM EDT

What is the most exciting/attracting aspect of CB to you, and what do you feel sets it apart from other online games, especially those with lucrative graphics?

AdminShade July 1 2006 12:12 PM EDT

What is in your opinion the impact of the changes of June?
And with the impact I mean an analysis of the changes and it's impact on the balance, and if it is indeed now balanced.

QBPixel Sage July 4 2006 12:38 AM EDT

If you had the ability to, what would you change in CB to attract more players who stay?

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] July 4 2006 3:39 AM EDT

1) Ninjas or Pirates? ;)

2) If asked by a new player what strategy or team set up they should adopt, what would you tell them?

Slashundhack [We Forge Our Own Stuff] July 4 2006 6:44 PM EDT

How do you stand on there being CB T-shirts & hats etc. ? And why?

YNM July 5 2006 12:53 AM EDT

Did you nominate yourself?

QBBast [Hidden Agenda] July 5 2006 8:18 AM EDT

If you could be one of the Mr Men or a Little Miss, who would it be?

QBJohnnywas July 5 2006 8:26 AM EDT

Who has been your Carnage Hero/Heroine? For any reason, their strategy help, free bow when you were a noob, grammar correction or anything else you can think of...

Flamey July 5 2006 8:33 AM EDT

filtered out most of the questions. i could put the username who posted these questions if needed, but i do not think it is necessary.

* What about the game do you have the least understanding of?

* Would you pay more for a char created January 1st 2005? (Why, Why not?)

* Have you ever sold CB for $US? (Why?)

* Have you bought CB for $US? (Why?)

* What do you seen as the biggest contribution to the game made by someone other than Jon, an admin, or a current QB?

* Would you enter your kid brother in a monkey knife fight if they gave you 10 to 1 odds? (This is funny, lets see the answer to this :D )

* What (realistic) change do you think Jon could make to attract and retain more players?

* What caught your eye about CB2 when you first joined?

* What is it that keeps you coming back to CB2?

* Who showed you to CB? (How did you find out about CB?)

* What is the most exciting/attracting aspect of CB to you, and what do you feel sets it apart from other online games, especially those with lucrative graphics?

* What is in your opinion the impact of the changes of June?
And with the impact I mean an analysis of the changes and it's impact on the balance, and if it is indeed now balanced.

* If you had the ability to, what would you change in CB to attract more players who stay?

* If asked by a new player what strategy or team set up they should adopt, what would you tell them?

* How do you stand on there being CB T-shirts & hats etc. ? And why?

* If you could be one of the Mr Men or a Little Miss, who would it be? (quite a valid a question, though maybe some of them will not know of all the Mr Men and Little Miss characters)

* Who has been your Carnage Hero/Heroine? For any reason, their strategy help, free bow when you were a noob, grammar correction or anything else you can think of...

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] July 5 2006 11:05 AM EDT

Dude! You missed off 'Ninjas or Pirates?' If the little miss question is there, I want my Ninja/Pirate one too! :P

Roughneck July 5 2006 12:58 PM EDT

Whats the reward for QB, or is there one? Besides the title anyway.I have always wondered?

[T]Vestax July 5 2006 1:30 PM EDT

Do you live your life by some form of philosophy. If so how would describe that philosophy briefly and why do you believe in it.

AdminG Beee July 5 2006 1:32 PM EDT

some of them will not know of all the Mr Men and Little Miss characters

The link Bast posted with the original question takes you to the Mr Men page where you can see a "who's who" of the Mr Wo/man page :)

BootyGod July 5 2006 3:29 PM EDT

If you could nominate a admin/ sub-admin who would it be and why?

Who helped you out when you first started the game?

Which are more important in general, sea bound creatures or land bound creatures?

QBBarzooMonkey July 5 2006 4:14 PM EDT

Bast logs onto CB at 8AM server time, and begins to farm GL mercilessly. Taking into account the processor speeds of their respective computers, multiplied by their respective internet access speeds, where X(Y-m)+Q=red, what color is 43?

Do Australian CBers have an unfair advantage because they live in the future?

If you had 3 apples, and Seran had 2 apples, and then he ate one of yours, would you carp him? If not, why?

Flamey July 5 2006 5:27 PM EDT

I'm sorry please all forgive me, i couldn't get past the flashy colours of the website, it scared me.
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