Wiki bullets (in General)

AdminNightStrike July 25 2006 3:12 AM EDT

It appears that the bullets have become less ugly in the Wiki. They're almost nice-looking.

Maelstrom July 25 2006 11:57 AM EDT

Happiness is a nice bullet?

Looks the same to me, but it's not the sort of thing I would notice...

AdminJonathan July 25 2006 12:16 PM EDT

I didn't change anything.

AdminShade July 25 2006 3:01 PM EDT

They still look the same, perhaps you changed your monitor's settings ;)

bartjan July 25 2006 3:18 PM EDT

Those bullets are theme-able. If not set to a specific shape by the theme, then the browser can also have an idea of how it should look like.
So either your theme, or your browser did change.
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