What's your favorite fast food? (in Off-topic)

SBW July 25 2006 1:24 PM EDT

KFC / popeyes

WeaponX July 25 2006 1:26 PM EDT

out of the 2 KFC better sides. overall Wendy's.

chappy [Soup Ream] July 25 2006 1:37 PM EDT

I'm with MM on the Wendys ... their lettuce and toms are almost always fresh ... McDonald's is just nasty. . BK doesn't have anything besides the whopper ... I like it when they're $.99 which is practically never ... Arby's is just too pricey for fast food ... Taco Bell when I'm in the mood for fast mexican and a stomach ache :)

Miandrital July 25 2006 1:42 PM EDT

Yo quiero Taco Bell.

Hakai [Aye Phelta Thi] July 25 2006 1:42 PM EDT

does subway count? ^_^

I hate fried chicken.

QBBarzooMonkey July 25 2006 1:44 PM EDT

I come from a town that has pizzerias every 3 blocks or so, so I can easily call a slice of pizza my favorite "fast food".

Anybody old enough to remember Red Barn?

UncleKracker July 25 2006 1:44 PM EDT

subway, i think everything else is greasy and disgusting

[T]Vestax July 25 2006 1:49 PM EDT

Waste of money. Whatever they make I can make better for less money. Besides, I love to cook.

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] July 25 2006 1:53 PM EDT

I all about cooking, but for those days where I'm stuck at the office, In N Out is almost the only fast food place that has food I can eat. It's a life saver, mmm 3x3 w/grilled onions and a fry well done...BBIAB!

QBJohnnywas July 25 2006 1:53 PM EDT

I'm cooking a curry at the moment. Takes me less time to prepare than to phone and wait for a delivery/takeaway!

But after a night out, chicken doner kebab, with lots of chile sauce and a portion of chips.....

Doesn't look good the next day though when you stumble into the kitchen and see the left overs...... :/

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] July 25 2006 1:58 PM EDT

Extra Large Donner Kebab!!!

Or Nandos. ;)

Ambidex July 25 2006 2:03 PM EDT

I usually get a sarnie from M&S or something for me lunch, otherwise its gotta be pizza (Dominoes rules). Does anyone else remember the chilli-lasagne that Tescos used to make? ;D

AdminShade July 25 2006 2:39 PM EDT

Durum Doner

also known as Doner Kebab.

PoisoN July 25 2006 2:41 PM EDT

A nice fresh Döner kebab, German style. Sometimes with cheese.

Vaynard [Fees Dirt Cheap] July 25 2006 2:50 PM EDT

Wendys all the way.

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] July 25 2006 3:05 PM EDT

Doner Kebab on Naan bread! :D

Beats pita bread hands down!

JaggedFel311 July 25 2006 3:14 PM EDT

I love Chipotle... too bad I have to drive about 2 hours to get to one

AdminJonathan July 25 2006 5:05 PM EDT

"BK doesn't have anything besides the whopper"

It's not on the official menu where I am, but you can still order a sourdough burger. That's my favorite chain burger right now.

th00p July 25 2006 5:45 PM EDT

I agree with UncleKracker, Subway is by far the healthiest, AND the best tasting. Quiznos is a close second.

Mem July 25 2006 5:53 PM EDT

I actually remember Red Barn, BM... And I think there's still one in Grayling, Michigan.

Anyways, it really depends on what kind of mood I'm in. I will agree that fast food is generally too greasy, but I'm a poor college student that often has to eat on the fly, so who am I to be picky? Chipotle is quite awesome. Wendys is great. I love Hardees-- the mushroom swiss burger is to die for. If we're adding pizza in to the mix then the Little Caesar's Hot-N-Ready (a $5 large pizza) is golden. My favorite thing as of late are those Burger King Stackers though. I just can't stop eating them. And I really should stop. It's just cancelling out any working out I've been doing. Oh well. It just tastes so darn good, and who knows, it might only be a limited time thing!

QBBarzooMonkey July 25 2006 6:48 PM EDT

Whereabouts is Grayling? One of my brothers is in Saginaw, and I would take a drive out his way just so I could go to a Red Barn :P

Thraklight Resonance July 25 2006 7:05 PM EDT

Is an extra large Donner kebab anything like an extra large Donner Party kebab?

Just in case, /me moves as far away from Gentlemanloser as possible and wonders if we'll ever see Stump again.

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] July 25 2006 7:09 PM EDT

What's a Party Kebab? :/

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] July 25 2006 7:11 PM EDT

/me hands thrak the award for worst pun involving cannablism.

Mem July 26 2006 11:11 AM EDT

Grayling is about a 45 minute drive southeast of Traverse City... So basically if you look at the state of Michigan as being a big hand it'd be around the middle of your first and second joint of your middle finger, where as Saginaw is down by your thumb... It's not very close.

TheEverblacksky July 27 2006 11:16 PM EDT

i have to say wendy's.... chicken fingers w/ the frosty to dip fries in *drools*
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